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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06-07-2017
                                                Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2017
10:00 AM

Members Present: John Robertson, Robert Edwards
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator
Others Present: Jim Plourde, Road Agent; Peter Holden, Jim O’Brien, and William C Rossignol from Holden Engineering; Mark Norby from Park Construction Corp.; Matt Miller, Water & Sewer Superintendent

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Holden reviewed pay requisition #1 submitted by Park Construction for work completed as of May 31, 2017. Current payment due to Park Construction is #$236,395.24. Mr. Holden reviewed the detailed invoice which is updated daily.
  • Mr. Norby discussed the need to connect foundation drains from the houses on the West side of Highland Avenue because most existing drainage pipes will be compromised because of the construction. The cost for eight hookups is already included in the budget. There will be twelve in total. Homeowners will need to install a tray under their oil tanks to contain any possible oil spills. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Miller will speak to each homeowner about this. A waiver of liability will need to be signed by each homeowner before this is done.
  • Mr. Miller asked if video could be recorded of the main sewer lines for inspection of any patches to the lines before paving is done.
  • Mr. Norby said the tree at 14 Highland Avenue needs to be trimmed. Mr. Holden will talk to the homeowner before it is done.
  • Comcast has not been out to move their poles on Highland Avenue and Pleasant Street. Ms. Hanson will contact them to see what their schedule is.
  • The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 5, 2017.