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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/22/2017
                        Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Michael Genest in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: John Robertson, Michael Genest, Robert Edwards
Staff Present: Town Administrator, Donna Hanson

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of May 8, 2017.  Mr. Edwards seconded.  Passed 3/0.
  • Attorney Denise Jobe informed the board of a donation of $16,287.36 plus interest from the Joan L. Dunlap Trust. The trust states that the funds shall provide scholarship assistance to students who are residents of Antrim and will be matriculating full time to Keene State College. Mr. Edwards moved to accept the funds as an expendable donation for their stated purpose. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0. Mr. Robertson moved to give custody of the funds to the Trustee of Trust Funds in order to have the fund account established. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Kevin Belanger and Mr. Michael Dugas from the Department of Transportation (DOT) gave an overview of two proposed changes to the intersection at Rt 31 (Main St.) and Rt. 202. Mr. Belanger said traffic in the intersection is estimated to increase 13% and up to 20% during peak times once Walmart is built in Hillsborough. Walmart will be responsible for approximately 16% of the cost of road reconfiguration. Mr. Belanger stated that the intersection is currently rated F (poor) and the proposed changes would bring it to a C. One of the proposed changes would require taking a portion of the land at the Antrim Baptist Church, moving the civil war statue to the other side of the street. This would be a State right of way on which the town would have an easement. This proposal would need to go through the State bidding process and would compete with other regional impact projects in the State. This could take up to 10 years due to limited funding from the State. The second proposal would be simpler by narrowing Rt. 202. This could likely be done at the State DOT district level and could be constructed within a year. Both proposals take out the stop sign on Rt. 202 which would result in a left yield onto Rt. 31. Mr. Belanger stated that this was a preliminary meeting to see if the Board of Selectmen are interested in making any changes to the intersection.  Mr. Belangers also stated that if the BOS wants to wait and see what the impact is after Walmart is built, the DOT would require Walmart to post a bond for ten years. The BOS acknowledged that the intersection is a problem and will meet with the Police Chief for further discussion.
  • Mr. Edwards moved to appoint Mr. Ron Haggett and Mr. Victor Rosansky to the Capital Improvement Committee (CIP). Seconded by Mr. Robertson. Passed 3/0. The CIP Committee will hold their first meeting on Thursday, May 25, 2017.
  • Mr. Robertson reported that the Scholarship Committee met and completed the awarding of scholarships.  There were no applications for the James W. Jameson Scholarship Fund but the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation received Antrim applications which were awarded from this fund.
  • Mr. Genest attended the HOPE Committee, Antrim’s substance misuse and prevention committee. He will represent the Board of Selectmen on this committee.
  • Mr. Genest reported that the Park and Recreation Commissioners will be converting part of Gregg Lake Beach to a Dog Beach. The Highway Department will assist in placing boulders by the water which will eliminate a few parking spaces. The parking spaces are right at the waters edge where there are swimmers so this will be a safer area.
  • Other Business:
  • Mr. Genest reported that the area near the fire station parking lot on Rt. 31 has washed out and needs immediate attention. Ms. Hanson will notify the Fire Chief and Road Agent.
  • Future meetings will be on Monday, June 5th and Monday, June 19th.
  • Ms. Hanson informed the BOS of a complaint to code enforcement that a property on White Birch Point is in a state of disrepair. Based on the opinion of counsel that the town does not have liability for hazards on private property the BOS has elected not to take any action at this time. There was also property on Rt. 31 that the BOS asked the owner to clean up. The owners have put up a fence and taken some of the items away. The BOS will not take any more action at this time.
  • Mr. Genest moved to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II (b) the hiring of any person as a public employee. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • On the recommendation of Parks and Recreation director Celeste Lunetta, Mr. Robertson moved to hire Jennica Demers, Zoe Paige, and Allison Fife as summer camp and beach staff. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • After no further business Mr. Genest moved to adjourn at 9:00 AM. Seconded by Mr. Robertson. Passed 3/0