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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/08/2017
Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Michael Genest in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: John Robertson, Michael Genest, Robert L. Edwards
Staff Present: Town Administrator, Donna Hanson

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of April 10, 2017.  Mr. Edwards seconded.  Passed 3/0.
  • The agreement for the use of Shea Field was reviewed.
  • The Limrik article was approved.
  • There was a brief update on the Highland Ave/Pleasant St project. The installation of pipe will begin on Wednesday, May 10th. Temporary water lines are being installed now. Inspector Jim O’Brien is keeping the abutters of the project apprised of the progress.
  • Future meetings were scheduled for May 8th and May 22nd.
Other Business:

  • The Board of Selectmen (BOS) will send a letter to the Nashua Community College in support of the proposed satellite office in Peterborough.
  • The BOS will send a thank you card for the road side cleanup done by Kirk Schellinger and Ann Wilder.
After no further business Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., Mr. Genest seconded.  Passed 3/0

Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson