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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/28/2015
Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Webber in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Gordon Webber (Chair), Michael Genest, John Robertson  
Staff present:  Donna Hanson (Town Administrator)

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the Board of Selectmen (BOS) minutes of September 14, 2015; Mr. Genest seconded.  Passed 3/0
Chief Lester suggested to the Selectmen that the flashing stop sign at the corner of West Street and School Street become a permanent stop instead stopping only when the lights are flashing. Chief Lester stated that the police department has had numerous complaints that it causes confusion about when to stop. Chief Lester wants to eliminate the confusion by making it a permanent stop. Mr. Webber did not think it should be a permeant stop because there would be very little traffic at that intersection when school was not in session. Mr. Webber moved to get rid of the stop sign on West Street, fix the signage on School Street and move the line on the pavement up so cars are stopping further up on School St. therefore having a better view of cars on West Street. It was not seconded. Mr. Robertson moved to change out the flashing stop sign with a regular permeant stop sign, install a “stop ahead” sign on West Street, and adjust the stop line on School Street. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 2/1.
There were 2 proposals to replace the Fire Station 1 Heating System, Harding Heating and Air Conditioning and Mercier Engineering. After reviewing the proposals it was decided to take more time before making a decision. This will be addressed again at the next selectmen’s meeting on October 13, 2015.
There were 3 proposals for the Municipal Solid Waste Services contract, Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA), Monadnock Disposal Service, Inc. (MDS), Shaw & Son, Inc. After reviewing the proposals it was decided that NRRA had the lowest prices. Mr. Webber moved to accept the proposal from NRRA. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Mr. Webber moved to dedicate the town report to Kristen Vance due to her years of service to the Town and the Grapevine. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
Ms. Hanson updated~the wage grades to account for inflation which is done every few years.~ As a result~wage grades~increased approximately~5%.~Wage grades are used to provide guidance when hiring and promoting town personnel.~ With the increase to the wage scale all employees still fell within the updated wage scale. Mr. Genest moved to accept the wage grade scale. Mr. Webber seconded. Passed 3/0
Other Business:

  • Chair Webber read a letter submitted by Mr. Ben Pratt stating that the Grapevine building has two major items that require repair. The main entrance on the north side of the building and the entrance on the south side of the building along with water intrusion around a number of the windows which will also require attention. Mr. Pratt brought up some of these items in April and at that time the Selectmen asked Mr. Pratt to get bids so that we know what the cost is before approving. The selectmen asked that he do the same at this time and if there is enough money in the budget it could be approved to be repaired this year.
  • Mr. Genest asked how the income survey was coming along. Ms. Hanson stated that the survey was just about complete and she will be meeting with Rebeckah Bullock, Community Development Specialist at Southwest Regional Planning soon to help with the Community Development Block Grant Application for Highland Ave/Pleasant Street project.
  • Ms. Hanson will prepare a letter to the abutters of Highland Ave/Pleasant Street project to inform them that the engineer of the project, Peter Holden and Mr. Webber will be visiting them to answer any questions they might have.
  • The Selectmen received a letter form Kate Epsen, Executive Director of the NH Clean Tech Council-NHSEA stating that the state of New Hampshire is in in imminent danger of hitting the net metering cap and she asked that the board send a letter to our Representative, Senator, and the Governor to urge them to return to Concord for a special session in October to lift the net-metering cap. Mr. Webber moved to send a letter. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Webber received a call from Jack Kenworthy of Eolian Renewable Energy asking if the board would make introductory calls to local representatives to let them know they’ll be hearing from Eolian’s public relations firm stating that they support the Antrim Wind Project. Although the board of selectmen support the Antrim Wind Project Mr. Genest and Mr. Robertson don’t think it would be appropriate to make calls on behalf of the public relations firm for Antrim Wind Energy, LLC.
Road Agent Jim Plourde brought in two quotes. One for crack sealing on several roads at a cost of $6,123.00 and one for repairs to the Scag mower at a cost of $2,975.00. Mr. Plourde thought it might be worth getting a new mower instead of putting money in repairs. Mr. Plourde will get more quotes before a decision is made.
Jeane Plourde asked the Selectmen if the she could get her Class VI road plowed in the winter. The board informed her that the proper procedure would be a petitioned warrant article at town meeting.
  • Mr. Robertson motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) hiring. Mr. Genest seconded.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Robertson motioned to come out of non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 (b) hiring.
  • Mr. Genest motioned to seal the minutes of the non-public session. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • After no further business Mr. Webber moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Robertson. Passed 3/0
Meeting adjourned 9:45 PM
Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator