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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/09/2015
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Genest in the Little Town Hall.
Members Present:        Michael Genest (Chair), Gordon Webber & John Robertson
Staff present:          Donna Hanson (Town Administrator),

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the Board of Selectmen (BOS) minutes of March 2, 2015; Mr. Webber seconded.  Passed 3/0
Moderator Arthur Merrill joined the BOS to review the warrant articles for Town Meeting.
Lee Bosse from the Messenger was given permission to present at Town Meeting gift certificates to the highway department in appreciation for all their hard work keeping the streets cleared this winter.
Other Items:
  • Mr. Webber reported that Jack Kenworthy and John Soininen from Antrim Wind Energy LLC met with Fire Chief Marshall Gale to review a preliminary emergency response plan for the proposed wind farm.
  • After no further business Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn.
      Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM
Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator