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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/12/2014
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by Vice-Chairman Robertson in the Antrim

Members Present: Mr. Webber, Mr. Robertson, (Mr. Genest excused)

Staff present: Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1. The BOS minutes of April 28, 2014 were passed over until Mr. Genest is

2. Mr. Stearns presented the board with the bids for the zero-turn mower and

3. Mr. Stearns presented a request from Cochran Mills LLC to designate

recommended that the bid be awarded to Chappell Tractor of Milford. Mr.

Webber motioned to award the bid to Chappell Tractor for $10,281.26, Mr.

Robertson 2nd

their property (Map 232 Lot 035) 128 Concord Street as an Economic

Revitalization Zone. Mr. Webber explained that this request had been brought

before the Planning Board and that they were in support of this designation

and would be reviewing the 202 & Rt. 9 corridors as other potential Economic

Revitalization Zones. Mr. Webber motioned to designate (Map 232 Lot 035)

128 Concord Street as an Economic Revitalization Zone, Mr. Robertson 2nd

, passed 2/0

4. Mr. Stearns stated that the Bennington selectmen would like to meet with

5. Joan Gorga (Parks & Rec. Commission Chairman) explained the Letter of

6. Mr. Webber motioned to enter into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3 II(e)

Antrim & Francestown to discuss the Tri-town Landfill, Wednesday, May 14th

at 6:15 pm. Mr. Robertson stated that he could attend and Mr. Webber stated

that he would try to make the meeting but was unsure if he would be available.

Agreement for the Antrim Memorial Gymnasium that was received from

the ConVal School Board and the Parks & Recreations Commission’s


Consideration or negotiation of pending claims, Mr. Robertson 2nd

vote: Mr. Webber – yes; Mr. Robertson – yes The board entered into Non-
public session at 7:28 pm with Mr. Stearns present and Mr. George Sansoucy

on the phone.

7. 7:50 pm the board returned from Non-public with Mr. Stearns stating that

Mr. Sansoucy had updated the board on the status of a utility tax issue and

the direction that negotiations were proceeding in and no decisions had been

8. Mrs. Gorga continued her explanation of the Commission’s counterproposal.

The consensus of the board was to send the counterproposal to the School

Board for consideration.

9. Diane Frechette from the DRA explained that she would be performing a pre-
assessment review in Antrim and how she would keep the Town and Police

Department updated on her activities.

10. Mr. Stearns explained to the board that Mr. Genest and he had met with the

Town Clerk, Police Chief, Fire Chief and Road Agent to review the revised

personnel policy and that their inputs were incorporated into the policy. Mr.

Webber and Mr. Robertson both stated that they had reviewed the latest draft

and agreed that these changes reflected the board’s directions to Mr. Stearns

for the policy. Mr. Webber motioned to adopt the personnel policy, Mr.

Robertson 2nd

11. Mr. Stearns asked the board to consider restricting the use of the upstairs

of the Town Hall to after business hours only. It is very difficult to conduct

business in the office area when there is activities upstairs as all the noise of

people walking, running, jumping and moving objects are amplified in the

office area causing disruption in conducting business.

12. Mr. Stearns explained to the board that he would be on vacation on May 27th

which is the boards next scheduled meeting and the board felt that they would

see how the agenda looked to decide if the meeting needed to be held or could

be canceled.

13.There being no further business, Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr.

Webber 2nd

, passed 2/0

. Passed 2/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM