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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/03/2014
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Webber in the Antrim Little Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Webber, Mr. Genest & Mr. Robertson
Staff present:          Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. Robertson motioned to approve the BOS minutes of February 18, 2014, Mr. Genest 2nd.  Passed 3/0
Mr. William Gray & Ms. Ann Dancy from Lutheran Social Services of NE explained that they have been trying to sell the former Girl’s Shelter but have not been able to find a buyer that would meet the stipulations of the CDBG funding that the Town had allocated to them.  They have been in contact with George Hutton at the State who has said that the State will allow them to sell the property and to pay off their existing mortgage and if there was any money left over it would be applied to pay the grant, but that the Town had to agree with these terms as the Town had applied for and been granted the funds. The selectmen sated that they were agreeable if they could do this and not be liable for the balance for the grant and asked Mr. Stearns to contact Town Council for advice.
  • Mr. Stearns presented  the information that he has gathered concerning the request from John & Lynn Rafuse of 4 Valley Lane asking the board if Map 218 Lot 013 was a buildable lot.  The board wants Town Council to review and give his opinion; Mr. Stearns will send the information to him.
  • Mr. Robertson presented the SAC’s recommendations on the ConVal budget.
  • The board discussed the mailing that has been sent out by the Planning Board and agreed that they needed to address the statements made in their mailing.  The board crafted a letter to be mailed to all residents and requested Mr. Stearns to place it in the papers also.  Mr. Genest motioned to bulk mail the letter and to place it in the 3 papers and to pay the costs from the administration ad budget, Mr. Webber 2nd, passed 3/0
  • Mr. Robertson motioned to go into Non-Public under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) Hiring, Mr. Webber 2nd, roll call vote Mr. Webber – yes, Mr. Robertson – yes, Mr. Genest - yes.
  • The board returned from Non-public and Mr. Webber stated that no decisions had been made.
  • There being no further business, Mr. Genest motioned to adjourn, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 3/0.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM