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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/07/2013
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Chairman Tenney in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Tenney, Mr. Genest & Mr. Robertson
Staff present:          Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. Genest motioned to approve the minutes of December 10, 2012, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Genest motioned to approve the Sealed Non-public minutes of December 10, 2012, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 3/0
Mr. Pratt & Mr. Haggett presented the Capital Improvement Plan which has been approved by the Planning Board.  They empathized the need to complete the engineering study for Highland Ave/Pleasant St. drainage and also the need to evaluate/replace the Gregg Lake Dam valve.
Mr. Stearns presented the board with the latest version of the proposed 2013 budget.  Mr. Genest suggested the need to reduce the budget further and asked if the other selectmen would consider reducing the Planning Board budget further.  Mr. Dubois, Planning Board Chairman, explained why the Planning Board would like the budget to remain as presented.  Mr. Tenney and Mr. Robertson stated that at this time they were not willing to reduce this budget.
  • Mr. Stearns reminded the board that the deadline for submitting final briefs to the Site Evaluation Committee was midnight on Monday, January 14th.  The board felt that a brief stating the boards position should be submitted.  Mr. Genest motioned to have Mr. Stearns write and submit a final brief on behalf of the board, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
Mr. Stearns asked if the board was planning on attending the 2 meetings scheduled for this coming Thursday.  The meetings scheduled are the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee and the ConVal Facilities committee meeting, Mr. Tenney stated that he would attend the SAC and Mr. Robertson stated that he will attend the Facilities meeting.
  • Mr. Stearns and Chief Lester updated the board on the status of the Police Station.  They stated that they had received e-mails from the Baybutt project manager stating that he and most of the Baybutt employees had been laid-off on Friday, January 4th.  Mr. Stearns and Chief Lester had traveled to Keene this morning to speak with the President of Baybutt about the financial difficulties that have been reported in various papers.  Mr. Baybutt told them that his bond surety company has taken control and told them who to lay-off.  When questioned about the nonpayment of sub-contractors on various projects, he stated the bond company was in the process of paying the sub-contractors.  When asked how this affected the Town of Antrim’s project, Mr. Baybutt stated that he felt that they could still complete the project but understood if we wanted to go with another firm.  Both Chief Lester and Mr. Stearns expressed concerns with continuing with Baybutt.  Mr. Stearns showed the selectmen that the contract has a termination clause and that because the project has just completed Phase I and has not entered Phase II, the Town could terminate at this point.  Mr. Genest motioned to terminate the contract with Baybutt Construction Managers and to contract with BreadLoaf Corporation of Middlebury, VT to continue with the Police Station project, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0
Mrs. Anne Edwards asked the board to reconsider their position on installing a street light at the intersection of Goodell Rd. and Rt. 202 as PSNH has just installed a new pole about six feet from Rt. 202.  The board said that they would look at it again and give her an answer at the next meeting.
  • There being no further business, Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Tenney 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 8:31 PM