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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 07/23/2012
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
July 23, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Selectman Genest in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Genest & Mr. Robertson
Members Absent: Mr. Tenney
Staff present:          Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Genest motioned to approve the minutes of June 25, 2012, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 2/0
2.      Mr. Genest motioned to approve the Sealed Nom-public minutes of June 25, 2012, Mr. Robertson 2nd.  Passed 2/0
3.      Mr. Pratt
a.      Grapevine –
i.      Mr. Pratt stated that the Grapevine would like to the north side of the building painted this year.
ii.     M. Pratt stated that the Grapevine would like to have apaved walkway from the Library parking lot to the current walkway as in the winter the current parking lot gets smaller due to the snow banks and they would like to be able to utilize the Library parking but not have to walk all the way around to the present walkway.  Mr. Stearns stated that this request was not part of the town building maintenance budget and with the number of projects there would most likely not be enough money to do this work this year.  Mr. Genest suggested that when the parking lot starts to get smaller to contact the Road Agent and have him use the loader to clear the parking lot this year and that this project could be planned for next year’s budget.
iii.    Mr. Pratt stated that he thought that he believes that the intent of the original agreement was that the rent paid by the Grapevine was to be held in an escrow account so there was sufficient funds to restore the building to the condition the building was in after expenditure of the CDBG.
b.      Energy Committee -  
i.      Mr. Pratt spoke to the board about the committee’s recommendations of work to be done at the Town Hall based on the audit report.  The total is $6,539.25 which will give an estimated savings of $1,248.65 per year having a pay-back period of 5.24 years.
4.      Mr. Stearns presented a request from the Police Department to post Shea Field as closed from sundown to sunup or dusk to dawn because of vandalism that has been occurring there and at the playground.  The board would like input from the Recreation Director.
5.      Mr. Stearns told the board about the meeting in Swanzey that he attended and the letter that he sent detailing why the streetlight at the intersection of Routes 9 & 31 should remain on and at the DOT’s expense.  The NH DOT has agreed to leave this light.
6.      Mr. Stearns updated the board of the properties that are due for tax deeding and that notices would be sent to the property owners informing them that The Town would be executing deeds in September if the taxes and fees are not paid by then.
7.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with 2 abatement requests from the Tax Collector for properties that are tax exempt but have been bill in error.
a.      212-002 -NH Housing Authority – Motioned by Mr. Genest to abate 2011 & 2012 taxes of $2,956.00 and interest and fees to date, 2nd by Mr. Robertson, passed 2/0
b.      102-001 Church of Christ –   Motion by Mr. Genest to abate 2007 taxes of $820.03, interest and fees, 2nd by Mr. Robertson, passed 2/0
8.      Mr. Genest motioned to go into Non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II c Reputations, Mr. Robertson 2nd, roll call vote all in favor.
9.      The board returned from Non-public at 9:00
10.     There being no further business, Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 9:01 PM