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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/21/2011
 Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
December 21, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:09 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Michael Genest in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Genest, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Tenney
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. Haggett and Mr. Pratt presented the Capital Improvements Plan to the Selectmen
  • Budgets – the board reviewed the proposed 2012 budgets resulting in the following:
  • 4130 – Town Officials                           $12,692
  • 4140 – Town Clerk                               $23,005
  • 4145 – Elections                                $7,698
  • 4150 – Administration                           $190,585
  • 4151 - Tax Collector                            $42,803
  • 4152 – Assessing                                $36,000
  • 4153 – Legal                                    $37,000
  • 4155 – Employee Benefits                        $42,240
4156 – IT                                       $30,975
  • 4191 – Planning / Zoning                        $61,638 (reduced by $7,500 from contracted services)
  • 4194 – Government Buildings                     $153,404
  • 4195 – Cemeteries                               $11,875
  • 4196 – General Insurance                        $50,396
  • 4199 – Contingency                              $50,000
  • 5210 – Police                                   $619,578
  • 4215 – Ambulance                                $100
  • 4220 – Fire                                     $106,825                
  • 4241 – Building Inspector                       $15,035
  • 4290 – Emergency Management                     $2,692
  • 4312 – Highway                          $898,851 (reduced by $6,000 from OT & snow removal)
  • 4316 – Street Lighting                          $23,500
  • 4319 – Trees & Hydrants                 $7,500
  • 4320 – Equipment Lease                  $126,757
4324 – Waste Disposal                           $177,606
4414 – Animal Control                           $600
4415 – Health Agencies                          $29,310
4441 – Welfare Administration                   $40,301
4520 – Parks & Recreation                       $33,864
4550 – Library                                  $161,883
4583 – Patriotic Purposes                       $1,500
4611 – Conservation                             $850
  • 4711 – Debt Service                             $88,562 (reduced TAN interest by $1,000)
  • The selectmen discussed potential warrant articles as follows:
  • Police cruiser $30,000 (from surplus)
  • Highway truck $88,000 ($44,000 from surplus)
  • Capital Reserve Funds:
  • Bridges - $125,000
  • Town building maintenance - $10,000
  • Library - $15,000
  • Recreation $50,000
  • Police Station engineering/facilities $85,000
  • Teen Center $6,000 War Monument $25,000 (from surplus)
Discussions were also held about possibly having warrant articles for:
  • Re-establishing CRF for Police cruisers and to fund per the CIP
  • Engineering for Highland Av. and Pleasant St. between  $50,000 to $75,000
  • There being no further business, the Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM.