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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/29/2011
 Workshop Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2011
9:00 AM

The Board of Selectmen met in a workshop meeting with Quantum Construction Consultants to discuss the Depot Street bridge projects.

Present:        Antrim - Mr. Robertson and Mr. Tenney
Staff Present:  Dee French (Bennington Town Administrator)
Galen Stearns (Antrim Town Administrator)
Chip Craig (Antrim Road Agent)
  • Discussed changing the timing for all 3 projects to the NH DOT’s fiscal year 2013 for funding and all agreed that it makes sense to do all 3 projects at the same time so that the road is only closed once.
  • Bridge over the Contoocook River was discussed – Mr. Tenney stated that the river had breached the road 3 times since 1938.  Lisa Martin from Quantum showed photographs of the stone abutments and the cracks that indicate that a repair of the abutments is not possible and that Quantum was recommending that the bridge be replaced. The estimated replacement cost is $1,000,000.  The Towns of Antrim and Bennington are sharing the costs 50/50 so Antrim’s 10% share would be $100,000.
  • Depot Street Arch – The options for this structure are to rehab the existing structure by pouring footings on either side of the arch and pour in place a concrete slab over the top of the structure.  Quantum stated that this would not be the best solution as there is no way to guarantee the longevity of the structure.  The cost to rehab is estimated at $243,000 and Antrim’s 20 % share would be approximately $48,000.  
The second option would be to replace the structure with a box culvert at a cost of $450,000 and Antrim’s 20% share would be $90,000.
  • Depot Street Slab – Quantum recommends replacing this with a pre-cast slab.  The cost would be approximately $532,000 and Antrim’s 20% share would be $106,000.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 aM.