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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/14/2011
 Town of Antrim, Bennington & Francestown – Board of Selectmen
Joint Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Bennington Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Philip Germain in the Bennington Town Hall.

Members Present:        Antrim - Mr. Robertson and Mr. Tenney
        Bennington Mr. Germain, Mr. Osienski and Mr. Cuddemi
        Francestown Ms. Betsy Hardwick, Mr. Carbeee and Ms. Arnold
Staff Present:  Dee French (Bennington Town Administrator)
Galen Stearns (Antrim Town Administrator)
  • Discussion of Tri-town excavation pit, Bennington stated that the three year mowing contract expires this year and asked if the towns wanted to go out to bid or to continue with the current firm.  The consensus was that so long as there is no significant price increase to stay with the current firm.
  • Each town’s intent to excavate will be filled out by the towns and submitted to Benningto for application to the State so there is only one intent filed with the State.
  • Bennington Selectmen stated that the thought both Antrim and Bennington had warrant articles directing each Town to study the possibility of regionalizing services specifically the police department.  After some discussion, the consensus was to form a committee to study and make recommendations.  The committee would consist of both Town’s Police Chiefs and 2 members from each community.
  • Bennington stated that they are moving forward with obtaining cost estimates for the Depot St. Bridge over the Contoocook River.  
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM.