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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 6/13/2011 Workshop
 Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Workshop Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:21 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Michael Genest in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Genest, Mr. Tenney and Mr. Robertson
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)
ZBA Members:    J. Kendall, R. Haggett

  • Mr. Genest stated that the purpose of this workshop was to discuss the Planner position and to receive input from both the Planning Board and the ZBA.
The selectmen stated that at this time and with the economy the way it is, there is not sufficient work to justify filling the planner position.  Antrim is a member of the Southwest Region Planning Commission who have planners on staff who can be used to review and comment on applications for subdivisions, site plan review, ordinances and regulations.  If the review is for a site plan or a subdivision, the cost will be born by the applicant.  Review of ordinances and regulations are covered by our membership dues.  The board feels that if we hire a person to relieve the assistant planner of the majority of the routine clerical functions then more time can be devoted to the more technical aspects required.  The board stated that if the SEC did not take jurisdiction of the wind energy project then they would revisit the planning position to determine if the position should be filled.

Both Mr. Kendall and Mr. Haggett stated that they agreed with the selectmen and that unless there was a significant change in the amount of applications, they did not think the position needed to be filled.

There being no further business, the Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Genest 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.