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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/13/2010
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Michael Genest and Eric Tenney ( Mr.Tenney arrived at 7:08 PM)
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes of November 292010, Mr. Webber seconded the motion.  Passed 2/0
2.      Mr. Webber announced that the Planning Board had met and discussed a minor sub-division.
3.      Future meetings – the board set following meeting dates:
12/28/2010      - BOS
1/10/2011       - BOS
1/24/2011       - BOS
2/7/2011        - Public hearing on 2011 budget
3/8/2011        - Election day
3/10/2011       - Town Meeting
4.      The Board accepted the 2011 Town holiday schedule as presented by Mr. Stearns.

5.      Chief Beauchamp and Assistant Chief Gale presented a proposal to replace the 1986 Chevrolet Tanker with a Pumper/Tanker with a maximum cost of $200,000.  The board questioned the condition of the current truck and will schedule a time to look at the truck.  Chief Beauchamp stated that they are trying to get on a cycle of replacing a truck every 5 years.  Assistant Chief Gale stated that it is possible that the Fire Department would not need to replace the 1989 GMC Pumper that is scheduled for replacement in 2014 if they get this combination pumper/tanker.  Mr. Genest asked where these 2 trucks are kept and the Chief stated that both are at the No. Branch Station.  Mr. Stearns will check on pricing to add this to the current leasing program.

6.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with a request to replace the salt shed building at the Highway Department and stated that it the initial cost estimates for a 60’ x 40’ building that would contain both the salt, sand and the mix and be able to load the sanders inside the building was in the $110,000 range.  The board and Mr. Stearns will review the current salt shed.

7.      Grounds maintenance proposal – Mrs. Lunetta presented a proposal to hire a person with specific knowledge in field maintenance to mow and maintain Town properties (sports fields, cemeteries, parks etc.).  The Board would like to meet with the Cemetery Trustees to talk about this proposal.  Mr. Stearns to ask the Trustees to the Boards next meeting.

8.      Personnel Policy – The Board reviewed the proposed changes to the personnel policy, Mr. Genest questioned if the criteria for the short term disability had been changed, Mr. Stearns will re-write this section and resubmit to the Board for approval.  The board discussed the Casual Employee’s contribution amount being higher than that for full-time employees.  The proposed contribution rate for Casual employees is 42.25% but the Board felt that this would be for new employees and that current employees would have this phased in over a 2 year period.

9.      Diane Chauncey explained to the Board that the Energy Committee will be sponsoring a Button-up presentation on January 12th in the upstairs Town Hall that will show how to reduce energy cost and how to improve the energy efficiency of homes.  This is being supported by local businesses and there will be hot soups available (free if you bring your own bowl and spoon).

10.     Mrs. Bezio explained to the Board that we are still working on a permanent easement and wants to know what the solution to DES’ letter will be.  Mr. Stearns stated that he has been in contact with the DES and is setting up an appointment with them to view the file.

11.     Mr. Duffy asked what the current TAN was, Mr. Stearns stated that it is $1,300,000.

12.     Ms. Nelkins is concerned that she has requested that presentations be made to educate people that they should be walking on the left side of the roadway.

13.     Mr. Genest motioned to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II a, c & e – Public employee, reputations & legal, Mr. Tenney seconded roll vote all in favor.

There being no further business, the Mr. Tenney motioned to adjourn, Mr. Webber seconded, passed 3/0 at 10:04 PM.