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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/16/2010
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Michael Genest and Eric Tenney
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Genest reported that there is a SAC meeting Thursday night which he might not be able to attend.
2.      Mr. Webber stated that the Planning Board is meeting tomorrow night and that the last meeting was canceled because there were not enough members for a quorum.
3.      Mr. Tenney gave an up date on the civil war statue and the told the board that the committee to restore the statue would like to have the Town pay to have person from a restoration company in Pennsylvania come and review the statue and speak with the committee about all the options that can be considered to replace the statue.  He thouth that the cost of travel, meals and lodging would be around $200.00.  Mr. Webber said that he felt that as the committee was not an official town committee that we should not be funding this request, Mr. Genest concurred.
4.      Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes of July 19, 2010 and Mr. Tenney seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0
5.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with the resignation of Joyce Davison as the Assistant Town Clerk.  Mr. Genest motioned and Mr. Tenney seconded to accept her resignation with appreciation for her service to the Town.
6.      Mr. Stearns mentioned to that the Antrim Boy Scouts Troop 2 is celebration their 100th year in anniversary.
7.      Mr. Stearns explained to the selectmen that the cable for the flag pole in the center has become jammed and will need to be replaced.  Mr. Stearns will work on this issue.
8.      The written request from Stephen MacDonald, Cindy Crockett and Rick Edmunds concerning the deteriorated condition of the Main Street crosswalks and the excessive speeds of vehicles was discussed.  Mr. Webber stated that the Town has been trying to obtain the paint required to repaoint the crosswalks but have not been able to purchase any of the paint as there is a shortage of raw materials and all paint manufacturers are only allocation product to previous year customers.  He stated that both himself and Mr. Stearns have called coast to coast to try and obtain this paint and have not been able to to so.  Mr. Stearns presented quotes to the board from 2 companies to paint the crosswalks and stripe the Town Hall Parking area.  The board authorized the expenditure of not more than $3,127.00 to perform this service.  The discussion of signage to slow traffic and what types of signs would be effective took place.  Chief Lester stated that the signs for pedestrians in crosswalks were more trouble than they were worth as they are constantly getting hit and damaged needing frequent replacement as well as causing traffic to swerve towards the edges of the road to avoid these sign and that he felt that they would have to be taken in each night and then put back out the next day.  The board was asked if “Speed Strictly Enforced” signs could be put up and would they be effective.  Chief Lester stated that this is a State highway and that any signs would have to be approved and installed by the NHDOT.  Chief Lester will check with the DOT about signage.
9.      Mr. Richard Cahoon – Mr. Cahoon spoke to the board about his abatement request and his poor experience with the assessing firm hired by the Town to perform the revaluation and mentioned that they had never been to his house to perform an inspection and that he had called them multiple times and they did not return phone calls.  Mr. Stearns will follow up with the assessors to convey this complaint.  Mr. Genest stated that he was going to support the recommendation of the assessor and felt that while the value might be on the high side but is within the range used to establish the Town’s compliance with the State guidelines.  Mr. Webber stated that the comparable properties that Mr. Cahoon sites were not foreclosure properties as was his property and that typically foreclosures sales are under valued and sell for less than the assessed valuation.  The board’s consensus was to let their previous abatement approval stand.  Mr. Cahoon requested a letter of denial, Mr. Stearns will write the latter and have available for pick-up at the Town Hall by Wednesday.
10.     Ms. Ann Edwards No. Main Street issues:
a.      Stone wall – the stone wall beside her driveway has stones at the base which have shifted significantly and she stated that this was caused during the vibratory compaction of the roadbed.  Mr. Genest motioned to expend up to $6,300.00 to repair the stonewall, Mr. Tenney seconded.  Passed 3/0
b.      Lower driveway – the Town Highway Department will move the mailboxes back and create a “swale” along the edge of the road to channel any water from the roadway past the lower driveway.
c.      Drywell – Mr. Genest stated that the drywell may have been constructed partially in the Town’s right of way and feel that the Town should not be responsible for this cost, Mr. Webber agreed.  Mr. Tenney stated that he would support splitting the cost..
d.      Lower driveway – the Town Highway Department will clean out the area of the curb cut / driveway apron and place crushed stone in this area to create a substantial and defined apron for this property.  At the same time, they will attempt to remove the boulders left on the property during the construction of the bridge and reconstruction of the road.
11.     Grapevine parking area – Mr. Stearns read a letter from the Grapevine expressing concern with dead trees along the back of the parking lot which is constantly dropping dead branches and their concern about damage to cars or personnel injury if one hit someone.  Andy Robblee of Robblee Tree Service, stated that he has been working with the property owner next door where the majority of the are located .  He stated that he believes that 4 of the trees are the neighbor’s and that 1 is on the Town property.  He stated that if the Town Highway Department could work with him to remove the trees when he takes them down that the cost would be less.  The trees would be move to a spot near the woodbank shed.  Mr. Robblee would contact the next door neighbor and get back to the Town with an estimate on the cost to remove the tree(s).
12.     Speed limit on Gregg Lake Road – Jeanne Baker and Carol Carnes presented the board with a petition signed by over 75 residents requesting that the speed limit be lowered to 15 mile per hour.  Chief Lester explained that per RSA 265:63 that the Town could not legally reduce the speed limit to less than 25 mile per hour.  The board was then asked if more signage could be placed along the road to slow the traffic such as sharp curve, blind intersection, thickly settled, Mr. Stearns will have the Road Agent check on the cost of obtaining signs and placing them.
13.     Mr. Stearns asked the board how they wanted to proceed with the Phase II Sidewalk project.  He explained that this is a project which has had some of the engineering work done but that there has been some controversy about this project and wants to know how we are going to proceed or are we going to stop the project.  Mr. Tenney motioned to discontinue this project, Mr. Webber seconded the motion.  Mr. Genest expressed concern and asked if the Town was liable to pay back the funds to the State that have been expended on this project.  Mr. Stearns will look into this.  Motion passed 3/0
14.     Mr. Stearns enquired if the board wanted to sole source, solicit bids or issue an RFQ for heating oil.  The board directed Mr. Stearns to check with the School District to see what their pricing was and would probably require 3 bids.
15.     Mr. Stearns asked the board to set some future meeting dates and the board agreed to the following meetings at 5:00 PM, 8/30, 9/13, & 9/27.  Mr. Genest stated that he felt that starting in October that the board should meet at 7:00 PM to allow for as much public attendance as possible during the budget season and proposed to the following dates with a start time of 7:00 PM, 10/4 & 10/18.
16.     Non-Public Session, Mr. Genest moved and Mr. Tenney seconded to enter into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3: II a & c Personnel & Reputations. Roll call vote – all members “yes”.  The board went into non-public at 6:40 PM and returned to public session at 6:55 PM

There being no further business, the Mr. Tenney motioned to adjourn, Mr. Webber seconded, passed 3/0 at 6:55 pm