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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/26/10
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber and Michael Genest, Eric Tenney arrived at 5:18
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      The board reviewed the Selectmen’s minutes for April 12, 2010, Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes as written, Mr.Webber seconded the motion.  Passed 2/0.
2.      Board member updates:  Mr. Webber asked Mr. Genest if he knew that there was a SAC meeting on April 27, 2010 and Mr. Genest stated that he had not received any notice for the meeting.
3.      Mr. Stearns read a letter of commendation award to Officer Jason Lepine presented by the Bennington Police Department for his help in professionalism in an operations and arrest.
4.      Mr. Stearns read a notice from Moderator Robert Flanders stating that he has appointed David Boule, Freda Hulle, Thelma Nichols, Kara Penney, Christopher Platt and John Robertson to the Budget Advisory Committee.
5.      Mr. Stearns presented the selectmen with the Department of Labor’s findings of the safety inspection they performed on Antrim’s facilities.
6.      Mr. Genest motioned and Mr. Tenney seconded to approve the purchase of soccer goals as requested by the Parks and Recreation Department.  Passed 3/0
7.      Mr. Stearns presented the summer staffing request from Ms. Lunetta.  Mr. Webber motioned and Mr. Genest seconded to hire:
Carole Storro – summer camp director
Catrina Youn – summer camp assistant director
Lisa Hennessey – summer capm lead counselor / water safety instructor
Peter Brand – summer camp counselor
Shawna Collins – summer camp counselor
Audrey Wood – summer camp counselor
Hannah Ellsworth – head lifeguard / water safety instructor
Marta Racek – lifeguard
Courtney Taylor – beach attendant
Sierra Penisi – beach attendant
Passed 3/0
8.      Mr. Webber informed Ms. Nelkins that the board had met last Thursday, April 22, 2010 and appointed her as an alternate to the the Zoning Board of Adjustment based on the unanimous vote of the ZBA.  Mr. Genest said that he had reservations concerning the appointment and that Ms. Nelkins need to keep in mind that the ZBA has processes and procedures that they must follow and that the proceeding can not be disruptive.
9.      Mr. Stearns presented a request from Mr. Bethel to appoint Ms. Diane Chauncey as Assistant Emergency Management Director.  The board questioned about the time this position would take and if some of the compensation budgeted for the Emergency Management Director would be shared with Ms. Chauncey.  Mr. Stearns will follow up.
10.     Correspondence was received from the Boy Scouts Troop 2 stating that they were planning to hold a flag disposal ceremony again this year which will take place either Sunday, June 13 or Monday, June 14 (Flag Day).
11.     Mr. Stearns presented the board with a financial update for the first quarter of 2010 which showed that the town was with-in the expected expenditures (23% of budget expended to date).
12.     Mr. Stearns presented the board with the February 2000 Tax Increment Financing Plan which was approved at the March 2000 Town Meeting establishing the TIF District and adopting the plan.  The plan defined the Duration of the Program as “The Downtown Antrim TIF District shall be in effect for 10 years after approval, unless an extension is voted at Town Meeting.”  This defined the duration of the district and shows that the Downtown Antrim TIF District ended March 2010.
13.     Ms. Nelkins asked what it would take and how do we go about getting public access channel to broadcast public meetings.  It was explained that the ability to broadcast meeting required a significant undertaking and would require equipment, personnel and funding to accomplish this.
14.     Non-Public Session, Mr. Genest moved and Mr. Tenney seconded to enter into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3: II c Personnel issues. Roll call vote – all members “yes”.

There being no further business, the Mr. Webber motioned to adjourn, Mr. Genest seconded, passed 3/0 at 6:30 pm