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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/12/10
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:11 pm by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Gordon Webber at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Gordon Webber, Michael Genest, and Eric Tenney
Staff Present:  Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      The board reviewed the Selectmen’s minutes for March 22, 2010and the Non-public minutes of March 22, 2010, Mr. Genest motioned to accept the minutes as written, Mr.Tenney seconded the motion.  Passed 3/0.

2.      Mr. Webber gave the board an update on SAC (Selectmen’s Advisory Committee) and about a potential grant for $50,000 to upgrade old school buildings.

3.      Mr. Webber stated that the Planning Board did not have any items on the agenda, and had reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting and will review again after all board members have a chance to suggest amendments.

4.      Diane Chauncey met with the board and explained that Antrim has been awarded a Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the Office of Energy and Planning, to perform an energy audit of the town hall in the amount of $2,491.00.  This grant will allow for an audit of the entire building which will allow us to plan and budget for improvements to the building and HVAC systems.  Mr. Genest motioned to accept the donation, Mr. Tenney seconded.  Passed 3/0
5.      Lee Bezio spoke to the board about her concerns with the drainage on North Main Street.  She asked why there was water running in the catch-basins constantly.  She also inquired as to why the spreader for the road drainage is not working properly.  Mr. Webber explained that when the work was being performed, a spring was found and it was determined that to keep the water from undermining the roadbed perforated drain pipes were install to collect the water and discharge it into the spreader designed to handle the runoff.  Mr. Stearns said that he was meeting with the Road Agent and a representative from DES on April 13th to look at the drainage and spreader.
Ann Edwards informed the board that during all the rain that we have been experiencing, that the house next to hers had water running into the basement.  She explained that the house has a drain pipe in the basement which runs to a drywell which is next to the road.  The drywell was dug and filled with crushed gravel.   She said that during the road construction that the edge of the drywell was hit with a backhoe.  She also stated that the water running down the road washes sand into her driveway and puddles there and that in the winter this forms a large ice area.

6.      The BOS discussed future meeting dates and decided to meet the 2nd & 4th Mondays through June.  The meeting dates will be April 26, May 10, May 24, June 14 and June 28.
7.      The Road Agent Chip Craig requested permission to have the Highway Department work summer hours of four ten hour days.  He explained that this schedule was more efficient and allowed the crew to get more work accomplished as a lot of time is used up in preparing for a job, getting to the site, moving the equipment and materials and then packing everything up and returning to the highway garage each night.  The extra two hours a day would allow more work to be completed.  The Board agreed to have the Highway Department start summer hours the week of April 19th.
8.      Mr. Stearns updated the Board on the Fire Department tanker and reported that the tank manufacturer was going to repair the tank under the lifetime warranty.
9.      Mr. Stearns requested that the Board consider applying for a Town credit card to be used for making reservations, on-line purchases and items where it is more efficient to purchase with a credit card.  Mr. Genest stated he has reservations about having a credit card for the Town especially with problems noted by other towns over the past few years with credit card abuse.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Stearns to research further and to propose a policy.
10.     Shelley Nelken asked about the Prosecutor’s meeting to discuss the addition of Dublin to the work load.  Mr. Webber explained the agreement that had been presented and approved.  
11.     Shelley Nelken asked about the status of the advisory budget committee that was approved at Town Meeting and stated that the warrant article had given a 30 day time limit for the committee to be appointed.  Mr. Genest explained to Ms. Nelken that the warrant article stated that the Moderator was to appoint the committee and that the BOS has not authority or influence over the Moderator.  The Board requested that Mr. Stearns contact Mr. Flanders to find out the status of the appointments.
12.     Shelley Nelken asked the Board if they were prepared to act on her request to be appointed as and alternate to the ZBA.  Mr. Webber explained that they are waiting for a formal letter from the ZBA requesting her appointment.
13.     Shelley Nelken requested that the Board become involved with her complaint to the State about the Monadnock Paper Mills operating with an expired air quality emissions permit.  The board took no action on this request.
14.     Shelley Nelken has submitted a request to have a link posted on the Town’s Website to Grange Hemp Policy which states:  RESOLVED, that the New Hampshire State Grange become a signatory to the following  petition to be sent to U.S. President Barack Obama:
We, the following groups and individuals, urge you, President Obama, to support by all means possible the Oglala Sioux Nation on Pine Ridge Reservation in their efforts to grow, harvest and sell Industrial Hemp in accordance with the treaties of 1851 and 1868signed by the US Government, in order to provide employment to the indigenous people swhose current unemployment rate is upwards of 85%.
Mr. Gordon that while he personally supports the efforts to legalize the growing and sale of hemp, he does not believe that these types of issues are Town related and that they do not belong on the Town website.  Mr. Genest concurred that this should not be on the Town’s website.
15.     Shelley Nelken asked about the status of the forensic audit.  Mr. Webber stated that he felt that  a detailed audit was the goal and it does not matter if it takes a month, six months or a year.
16.     Scott Burnside asked if a meeting with Quantum can be scheduled to discuss projects.  Mr. Stearns will contact Lisa Martin to schedule a meeting.
17.     The Board received a letter from Malarkeys Village Café requesting a letter from the Town wanting to know whether the serving of alcoholic beverages on the existing out door deck is acceptable at 54 Main St.  The Board expressed no concerns with this request as long as Chief Lester was aware of the request and concurred that there would be no issues.  Mr. Stearns will follow up with the Police Chief and send a letter to Malarkeys.
18.     Non-Public Session, Mr. Webber moved and Mr. Genest seconded to enter into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3: II a, b, & c Personnel issue. Roll call vote – all members “yes”.

There being no further business, the Mr. Webber motioned to adjourn, Mr. Genest seconded, passed 3/0 at 8:22 pm