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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/06/08

Selectmen’s Agenda – Minutes - 10/06/08 – 5:00 P.M. – Town Hall

Present: M. Genest, S. Schacht, G. Webber, D. Chauncey, M. Henry, N. Cass, C. Craig, H. Janeway, C. Lunetta, S. Harding, T. Nichols, J. Bond

1. The Selectmen approved the minutes of September 15, 2008.

2. George Farm Easement - Peter Beblowski will review the Conservation  Commission stewardship grant.  Mr. Beblowski reviewed the following items in order to update the Selectmen with the Conservation Commission's activities:
        1. A letter from the Audubon Society acknowledging the Commission's $4000.00                check for the stewardship of the 140 acre George Farm.
        2. The Willard Pond Forever Wild Project would like to purchase the last                             remaining parcel on Willard Pond. The Commission can assist
             by providing $4000.00.
        3. White Birch Point -- The Commission will assist in the planning of the new                birch trees.

3. The Selectmen met with Senator Janeway concerning heating assistance for residents.
Senator Janeway had brochures and handouts listing potential sources. He encouraged the Selectmen to develop policies that would include neighborly watches for the elderly and emergency housing for residents who may not have heat. Mr. Genest said that Antrim is very fortunate to have the Grapevine as a resource for Residents and would be sure to pass the information on to the director, Kristen Vance.
4. Highway Department Budget meeting - rescheduled to end of month

5. Recycling/ARTS Budget meeting - Mr. Clark Craig reviewed the proposed budget for 2009. The Department of Environmental Services Letter of Violation was discussed. There were three areas of concern: 1.) an open gate (now closed - had only been used by Highway Department and Recycling staff), 2.) unmarked oil containers (now clearly marked), and 3.) signage (the sign had been corrected in 2006 per DES rules but now is not compliant - Mr. Genest will address this).

6. Recreation Department Budget meeting - Celeste Lunetta, Sam Harding, and Thelma Nichols presented the 2009 budget. Each line item was discussed. Issues that need further discussion are: regionalization and use of the Antrim Community Bus, participation of other towns in Antrim's Recreation programs, and maintenance of the playing fields,

7. Other business:
        a. Gregg lake Road/ Holt Hill Road culvert construction - who will oversee
                construction - The Board will have Bob Varnum oversee the project

        b. Reminder of meeting with Bennington Selectmen re: Antrim/Bennington                  bridge October 8, 2008 6:30 PM.

        c. Potential new streetlight on the corner of Aiken and Main Streets - Robert                   Chagnon of Antrim Village has requested the Selectmen to investigate the                        possibility of a streetlight. The Selectmen agree that the corner is very                       dark and will pursue the matter with PSNH.

        d. Fuel Contract - Irving oil - The Board will review the contracts for the next

8. Correspondence:
        a. Hickey et al v. Town of Antrim update

9. The Selectmen voted to go into non-public session at 7:27 PM per RSA 91.4:a to discuss personnel issues.

10. The Selectmen voted to return to public session at 8:15 PM and voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

11. Other matters discussed:

        a. North Main Street Project - Scott Burnside (contractor) expressed concern
             for the funding of the project
        b. The Selectmen have been informed the Allen Elliott of the Highway                        Department will work his last day on October 10, 2008.
        c. The 'yellow' hydrant that is hooked to Campbell Pond will be repaired  
            by the end of the week
        d. There will be a swearing in ceremony  For Scott Lester, Chief of Police on               Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 5:00 PM.
        e. A walk-thru of the North Main Street Project (with Quantum CC Engineers                  will take place on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 3:15 PM.

12. The Selectmen approved the A/P and payroll for the week and reviewed miscellaneous correspondence.

13. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. The next regular meeting will be October 27,               2008

Diane M. Chauncey,
On behalf of the Antrim Board of Selectmen