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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/22/07
October 23rd, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
October 22nd, 2007

Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, B. Beihl, R. Wing, L. Wing, D. Kirkpatrick, T. Feyrer, L. Gilmore, M. Pon, J. Causey.

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of October 15th, 2007.

2. The selectmen had a discussion with B. Beihl and Mr. and Mrs. Wing regarding their concerns about Memorial Park/Skateboard area and the damage, noise, and problems that keep occurring that has effects on them as abutters and concerned residents. B. Beihl prepared a matrix of the issues (Click here to view the matrix) and each point was discussed at length. The Board of Selectmen agreed to take the following action steps: 1. Signage will be prepared and posted in the park outlining the rules and regulations. 2. Increased security measures; use of camera’s, directed police patrols with strong enforcement, speed monitoring, and the establishment of “closing times”. 3. The Town will look into the possibility of installing a noise barrier type fence between the Wing’s property and the park. 4. A program will be investigated to establish a “neighborhood watch” and/or some supervised monitoring by the Park and Recreation Department of the skateboard area during the summer months. T. Feyrer and B. Beihl will develop a “neighborhood watch” proposal for the Board of Selectmen to approve on or before April 1st, 2008. The closing hours of the park for “No loitering” will be as follows: Winter months- November 1st until March 31st – 6:00 P.M. Summer Months – April 1st until –October 31st – 8:30 P.M.
The goal and purpose is to make Memorial Park and the surrounding area a safe family oriented place of enjoyment for all our residents.

3. D. Kirkpatrick discussed with the selectmen his plans for offering “Long Board Skateboarding” on Water Street near the Water and Sewer plant on specific days and at set times. The Board of Selectmen suggested that he discuss this with the Water and Sewer Commissioners, J. Cruthers, and E. Tenney. Once this is done to coordinate his plans with T. Feyrer so that the police are fully informed.

4. The selectmen voted to authorize Mr. Benjamin Pratt, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to sign on behalf of the Town all grant applications for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and other state agencies as the need arises.

5. The selectmen voted to approve all revised Town Ordinances and to make the effective date on all of them to be January 1st, 2008. All ordinances will be posted on the web and copies will be available to purchase at Town Hall at the standard copy price.

6. The selectmen accepted the report of the Recreational Land Search Committee. The committee reported that after many attempts to come to a satisfactory arrangement with the trustees of the Gould property they have not been able to reach an agreement to finalize the purchase and that the committee has now closed discussions on the purchase of this property. The committee wishes to continue to search for suitable land for a multipurpose recreation and conservation activities. The selectmen express their thanks to the committee and voted to reappoint the committee to continue the search for land that would meet the Town’s needs. The committee will consist of: Peter Beblowski, Sam Harding, Robert Holmes, Rick Wood, Sam Young, and Mike Genest as the selectmen’s representative.

7. The selectmen reviewed various correspondences that has been received and approved the A/P and Payroll for the week.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

The selectmen will be meeting in a joint session with the Bennington Board of Selectmen on October 24 at the Bennington Town Hall at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the Antrim/Bennington Bridge Project.

The next budget review work session will be held on November 5th starting at 6:00 P.M. with various department heads.