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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/10/07
September 11th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
September 10th, 2007


Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, S. Nelkens, S. Bonacci, L. Henderson, M. Pon, S. Mckinlay, D. Kirkpatrick, P. Leonard, B. Beihl, J. White, P. Beblowski, T. Feyrer.

The Public Hearing on the up-date of Town Ordinances was opened by Board of Selectmen Chairman, B. Pratt at 7:00 P.M. He noted that the Public Hearing was advertised, posted in the appropriate places, and posted on the Town website. He asked for questions and comments on each of the ordinances starting with the Code of Ethics.

1. Code of Ethics – Question: Who enforces? Answer: The proper authority starting with Department Heads.

2. Alcoholic Beverage – Question: Do we mean “Open containers”? Answer –Yes and wording will be charged to be specific on that point.

3. Bicycles – Comment: we should add a “Purpose” statement – agreed and will be added.

4. Town Beach and Boat Launch – Comments: a. take out the first sentence of point #2 – agreed. It will read “Public nudity, including public nude bathing is strictly prohibited”  #6 – hours open to the public will be changed to be “6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. #7 – will be changed to eliminate leashed and electronic and the wording will simply state “must be under control of their handler”.

5. Discarded Material – No comments or changes.

6. Dog Control – No comments or changes.

7. Large Assemblies – Agreed to add “Purpose”.

8. Disruptful Noise – will be further reviewed and refined.

9. Parking – No changes

10. Skateboard – a statement of purpose will be added and under penalties point 2 will be reworded to include “(if minor is offender)”.

No further comments on the ordinances were stated. The selectmen thanked everyone for the comments. They will consider the input and will finalize the ordinances. The goal is to have all the ordinances in effect by the end of the year.

There was some discussion about the selectmen closing Memorial Park to loitering and/ or after dark hours. The public is concerned about the trash, noise, and damage being done. The selectmen will look into this further, and will develop a plan to address the concerns.

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of August 14th, 2007.

2. The selectmen adopted the “Emergency Operations Plan” that was approved on December 18th, 2006 and reviewed by the NH Bureau of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This plan will be reviewed and updated by the Emergency Management Director as is required.

3. The selectmen appointed Ronald Haggett to the ZBA as was requested by the ZBA Board.

4. The Selectmen appointed Jeff Parsons as the Health Officer, for the Town, per the requirements of the NH Board of Health.

5. The Town Administrator reviewed the current status of the bid finalization with the NHDOT Bridge Division and Landsite, the successful bidder. The final bid price was $312,500.00. Our engineers, Quantum Construction Consultants, are finalizing the administrative details with the necessary parties.

6. The selectmen asked the Town Administrator to prepare a letter of response for them to review, to the letters that they have received regarding various issues that are of concern to the individual residents.

7. The selectmen approved payroll for the week and reviewed miscellaneous correspondence.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. The next scheduled meeting will be October 1st , at 7:00 P.M.