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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/04/07
June 5th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
June 4th, 2007

Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of May 21st.

2 The selectmen reviewed the expenses and revenue through the month of May. The only cost overruns at this time are $900.00 for election supplies (the Town was required to buy 2 new voting booth due to increase in registered voters), and expenses that were associated with the May flooding which at least 75% will be reimbursed by FEMA.

3. The selectmen were advised that the North Main Street Bridge Project was approved by NHDOT and will be eligible for 80% funding under the state bridge program.

4. The selectmen reviewed and discussed the letter that was received from Mr. and Mrs. Barsanti regarding the water problem that they are having on their property. They feel it is a Town problem and should be fixed by the Town. The selectmen will ask Underwood Engineers to look at the situation and make a recommendation as to how best to correct any water issues that may be caused by the Town.

5. The selectmen reviewed the e-mail that was received from the Recreation Director regarding the mowing and maintenance of Shea Field. Selectmen Genest will discuss this at length with the Park and Recreation Commission at their next meeting.

6. The selectmen discussed some possible ways to provide overflow parking at the Town boat launch area on Gregg Lake.

7. The selectmen reviewed the cost proposals for employee benefits from both Primex and LGC and it was decided to stay with LGC for the upcoming renewal period which will end on July 1st, 2008.

8. The selectmen reviewed the proposals obtained from the four companies interested in handling our recycling needs. It was decided to have Corcoran finalize and clarify some points in their proposal and then the selectmen will make a decision.

9. The selectmen reviewed the two letters and several verbal complaints that were received regarding traffic control for the Memorial Day Parade. It was reported by Ted Brown, the Legion Co-Coordinator, that there was no major issues at all and that he and Chief Feyrer had a meeting the very next day to review the changes that have to be made for next year to insure that traffic is totally halted.

10. The selectmen reviewed the issue of a sign posted at “Breezy Point” that states no public use allowed. It was decided to have Town Counsel review the problem and give his opinion.

11. The selectmen reviewed the engineering proposal from Underwood Engineers for dong the work on Phase II of the TE Grant approved by NHDOT.

12. The selectmen are waiting to hear back from the Planning Board as to their suggested organization structure, job descriptions, and cost guidelines.

13. The selectmen discussed the Grapevine’s request to have them host the Community Supper on June 21st and it was agreed to do it as was requested with other employees from Town Hall.

14. The selectmen reviewed the proposed ordinance changes and have suggested some changes to the Beach, Dog Control, and Skate Board ordinances. These will be redrafted and reviewed at the next meeting.

15. The selectmen reviewed various correspondences and signed the payroll and A/P for the week.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. and the next meeting is Monday, June 11th, at 7:00 P.M. and there will be a presentation by Butch Burbank from the LGC regarding police certification.