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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/14/07
May 15th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes of May 14th, 2007
Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, B. Sawich, B. Houseworth, K. Wasserloos, P. Vasques, R. Haggett, B. Brown, K. Brown, R. Edwards, S. Burnside

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of May 7th.

2. The selectmen approved adjusting the rate paid for mileage for Town employees use of personal vehicles to .45 cents per mile, effective June 1st, 2007.

3. The selectmen approved and signed the property tax warrant for the First Half 2007 Property Tax. The total net tax due is $2,432,769.00 and the tax bills will be sent out within the next week and will be due and payable as of July 2nd, 2007. The tax bills will be based on the new map and lot system that public hearings have been held on. Anyone who feels that there is a discrepancy on their tax bill will have to come to Town hall and fill out the necessary paperwork so that it can be investigated by the mapping company or the Tax Collector.

4. The selectmen voted to approve S. Harding’s request from the Park & Recreation Commission to appoint R. Haggett as a Commission Member, effective immediately.

5. The selectmen discussed the shared properties that exist at Gregg Lake with nine (9) property owners. There seems to be some confusion as to ownership rights, and who is being taxed properly and who is not. The Town’s assessor will be looking into this along with Town Counsel in order to determine, what, if any, action the Town should take.

The Town Administrator advised the selectmen of receipt of the following:

                A. Department of Transportation approval and signed contract for the T.E.
                Grant, Phase II, for the US Route 202/Elm Street Project #14828 X-A000
                (556) in the amount of $284,681.60.

                B. A meeting has been rescheduled with the LGC regarding Police
                Accreditation (Calea) for Monday, June 12th, at 7:00 p.m.

                C. The meeting with area towns regarding a new recycling concept has
                Been scheduled for next Monday, May 21st, 2007 at 7:00 p. m. we expect
                5 to 7 towns from the area to be attending. Antrim is hosting the meeting.

                D. FEMA inspection of our flood damages was completed on Friday, May
                11th, and we expect a follow up meeting by the end of this week.

6. Selectman Genest gave a brief report on the Park & Recreation Commission meeting that he attended. He is concerned about the amount of time that may now be needed for mowing of Shea Field. However, Celeste Lunetta the Recreation Director will be providing a complete schedule of the work they wish to have done. The Board of Selectmen is hopeful that this schedule will be laid out a month at a time for the entire summer so that proper work scheduling can be done. M. Genest also reported that there was some discussion regarding the baseball/softball activities and that it is being looked into to see if a separate association should be running those activities for in the future. There was also some discussion regarding the use of Bennington fields and the need to have a discussion with the Bennington Board to discuss common interest and goals.

7. The selectmen voted at 7:40 p.m. to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91a:4 to discussion personnel issues with members of the Planning Department and the Planning Board.

8. The selectmen voted to go back into public session at 8:45 p.m.
9. The selectmen reviewed miscellaneous correspondence that was received and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. The selectmen will be hosting an area meeting regarding a new recycling concept being proposed by Corcoran Environmental Services, Inc. The meeting will be Monday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m.