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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/07/07
May 8th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
 May 7th, 2007

Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, J. Parsons, J. Hennessey, E. Phillips, M. Gale, M. Beauchamp, R. Edmunds, T. Bryer, L. Henderson

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of April 23nd.

2. The selectmen approved liens to be registered on property that has overdue timber taxes.

3. The Town Administrator advised the Board and the public that a State of NH.-Dept. of Safety 911 mobile team will be driving and recording all roads and house numbers in Antrim on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. This is part of our total mapping and Town wide emergency planning information updates.

4.The selectmen discussed with the officers of the Fire Department what they, and particularly the Chief, feel we should do about “Life Safety inspections” in all public and commercial buildings in Town. Chief Beauchamp stated that he inspects and has written reports on all public access buildings at least once per year, he keeps the files on them at the Fire station. He stated that in addition to himself, R. Edmunds, M. Gale, and E. Phillips are all trained in building inspections and that anyone of them can do the inspections as they are needed. R. Edmunds pointed out that all commercial businesses are inspected at least once per year by their own insurance companies, which will be more complete than any inspections that we may do. There was some discussion about the requirement of occupancy posting in public buildings. It was felt that that would be nice to have, but that all the public buildings in Town know what their capacities are and that posting was not really necessary. M. Genest asked if we should not try to get on a regular schedule of inspections, once per year, once every two years, or once every five year’s? This is something that the Planning Board is looking for with some of their site plan reviews. Chief Beauchamp felt that he does it annually, as he stated before, and that he will do all the public buildings and have a copy of the inspection reports for the Town Hall records by the end of May and this way it can be annual, starting with June 1st. The question than came up about the hydrant at Pierce Lake Rd. & Elm Ave. The W&S Department was planning on disconnecting it, the Fire Department asked that this not be disconnected, but rather repaired. Selectman Pratt gave an explanation as to the use of this hydrant and suggested that this be repaired as a Town expense and not a W&S expense, since it has no benefit to W&S at all. Selectman Pratt will discuss this with the W&S Department.

The discussion then came up about the inspection of “Rednecks Bar” and M. Beauchamp reported that they have done everything he has asked, except for adding some fill to the back to bring so that the back door can be used as an emergency exit. The capacity was rated by him as 80 persons. He went on to explain the importance of the door opening size, the real test is how many people you can get through the door per minute in case of emergency.

Selectman Pratt then asked Chief Beauchamp who shall we work with in the Fire Department to finalize the Water Resources and I.S.O. work that has to be done so that we can be prepared for an I.S.O. review that will hopefully improve our Town’s insurance rating and thus lower all our property owners insurance rates. Chief Beauchamp said that M. Gale will represent the Fire Department and will provide all the necessary information.

5. Selectman Schacht asked about the mooring of boats near the boat launch on Gregg Lake. He was under the impression that you could only moor a boat on the lake if you were a property owner. This is controlled by the State Marine division and we will research what the facts are. It is believed that this was addressed by the Recreation Department last year. The facts will be reported at the next meeting.

6. The Board was advised by the Town Administrator that we are progressing with the D.O.T. Bridge Division on the reviews of our bridges and we should have written documentation by the end of the month.

7. Selectman Schacht has agreed to get together with W. Olson and K. Vance to come up with a plan to put some type of gates on the “Wood Bank” in order to have better control of the wood being taken.

8. The Town Administrator advised the Board of a telephone call that was received from Mr. T. R. Thibeault. He wanted to be sure that the Board had received a copy of his letter, dated April 20th, 2007 and addressed to the Planning Board. He is objecting to the wording of the draft Planning Board minutes and he stated that his reputation as a contractor is being tarnished. The Board acknowledged receipt of the letter and is aware that this is being addressed by the Planning Board.

9. The selectmen reviewed miscellaneous correspondence that was received.

10. The scheduled meeting with the LGC was postponed due to a scheduling conflict. The new date is Monday, June 11th, at 7:00 P.M.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be Monday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. and the agenda will be a meeting with the Planning Board Organization Committee to discuss the staffing needs of the Town in regards to planning.