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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/09/07
April 10, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2007

Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, C. Craig, E. Inferrere, P. Corcoran, L. Gilmore

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of April 2nd.

2. The selectmen approved a lien to be registered on property located on Stacey Hill Road.

3. The selectmen voted not to pursue the possibility of leasing the property located at 50 Main Street.

The Town Administrator advised the selectmen of receipt of the following letters:

                A. Department of Transportation regarding the bridge inspections done on
                15 of Antrim’s bridges.

                B. A meeting has been scheduled with the Planning Board, Police Chief,
                Building Inspector, and Fire Chief to review our procedures for
                “Certificates of Occupancy” and inspections. The meeting is set for 7:00
                P.M. on Wednesday 4/11/07.

                C. The selectmen reviewed the letter drafted to M. Chauncey and
                approved it to be sent.

                D. All applications for the wetlands permits for White Birch Point, N.
                Main Street, and the weir off 31 have been prepared and are waiting
                DES final approval.

4. P. Corcoran and E. Inferrere of Corcoran Environmental gave an overview of their company and the services that they can provide. Their proposal to the Town is geared to reduce cost and encourage a higher level of recycling by our residents. They explained their plans for the new processing plant that they are in the process of building in Manchester, NH. This plant will allow them to develop a “Single Stream” system of recycling for towns. The selectmen advised them that they will give serious consideration to their proposal and will be asking for competitive proposals within the next few weeks.

5. The selectmen discussed the proposal received from Buy Now, LLC regarding the property located at 50 Main Street, and decided to advise them that the Town has no interest in pursuing this any further.
6. The selectmen reviewed miscellaneous correspondence that was received.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. The selectmen will be meeting with the Planning Board, Building Inspector, Fire Chief, and Police Chief on Wednesday, April 11th, at 7:00 p.m.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be Monday, April 16th at 7:00 p.m. and the agenda will be a presentation from LGC regarding police certification and what it means.