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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/02/07
April 3, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2007

Present: M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, S. Nelkens

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of March 26th.

2. The selectmen were appraised of the State of New Hampshire’s Low & Moderate Income Homeowner’s Property Tax Relief program. This program offers tax relief for low income property owners. All information is available on the state web site The form required is a DP-8 and they will be available after April 30th.

3. The selectmen formally established the Antrim Energy Committee. The following members have been appointed: Robert Bethel, Jr.; Linda Bryer; Diane Chauncey; Bradley Houseworth; Peter Moore, Daniel Shapiro, and Ben Pratt will be the selectmen’s representative on the committee. Mr. Pratt will convene the first meeting.

4. The Town Administrator advised the selectmen of receipt of the following letters:

                A. Department of Environmental Services –Re: Neff property -34 Main St.
                They found no violations and that all work was performed with the proper
                permits and was done in compliance with RSA-482-A.

                B. Paul Vasques has submitted a letter of resignation to be effective as of
                June 1st, 2007. The board accepted it and expressed sincere thanks to Paul
                for his years of service and dedication to the improvements made to our
                Planning Board and ZBA procedures.

                C. Matthew Chauncey has submitted another letter regarding various
                matters, from posted speed limit signage, road maintenance, and
                administrative procedures. The selectmen will review the letter and give
                their comments to the Town Administrator at the next meeting so that a
                proper reply can be prepared.

                D. Ross Lenharth –Project 54 UNH: An e-mail was received confirming
                that the replacement cost of the Project 54 equipment that Antrim
                received would be $35,000.00. This is the value that will be recorded on
                the Town records for insurance and accounting purposes.

5. The selectmen had a brief discussion regarding the “Revolving Accounts” for the Ambulance and the Recreation departments. Selectman Schacht will be given a copy of the most current C.I.P. plan which explains all the capital needs of the various departments through 2012.

6. The selectmen reviewed and approved the new signage and “Swap Shop Rules and Regulations” to be followed at the A.R.T.S. recycling center. These will be effective as of Monday, April 16th, 2007 (see attached).

7. The selectmen tabled further discussion on a proposal regarding the building and land at 50 Main Street and will give the proposal further consideration at the next meeting.

8. The selectmen asked the Town Administrator to obtain a quote for Health Insurance from Primex so that a comparison of benefits and cost could be properly made.

9. The selectmen advised S. Nelkens that it is their understanding that acceptance to the Citizens Police Academy is the responsibility of the Police Chief.
S. Nelkens raised several concerns about the process and thought that it would build better public relations if she was allowed to attend. The selectmen appreciate her views but support the Police Chief’s decision.

10. The selectmen were advised by the Town Administrator of the letter received from Town Counsel, regarding the Planning Boards plan to have a “Certificate of Occupancy” issued for changes in ownership of commercial property. It appears that the Planning Board, nor the Building Inspector, have no legal basis to require this if there is not a significant “Change of Use” to the property or building. The selectmen asked that a meeting be set up with the Planning Board Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Planning staff together with the Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Building Inspector to discuss their various issues and the concerns of everyone involved.

9. The selectmen approved the payroll for the week and reviewed miscellaneous correspondence.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

The next meeting will be Monday, April 9th at 7:00 p.m. and the agenda will be a review of several items discussed above and a presentation from Corcoran Environmental Services, Inc. regarding our upcoming waste management contracts.