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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/21/07
February 22, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2007

Present:  M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, V. Barto,D. Chauncey, M. Chapman, W. Bezio, L. Bezio, P. Beblowski, J. Waldsop, S. Nelkens, R. Seavey, A. Edwards, D. Winchester, M. Noble, S. Bartlett, S. Garrett, C. Boucher, A. Turslow, L. Block, R. Block, S. Jones, J. Hennessy, P. Welch, D. Essex, L. Essex.

The selectmen opened the Public Bond Hearing at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the request for “Bonding” $840,000.00 for the North Main Street Improvements. The attached agenda list all items discussed. The following questions were addressed:
        1. Will the contract carry a clause that on humid days construction work would cease so that the fumes and contaminated air particles would not be present so that the health of the residents is protected? Answer –No the current cost projections do not take into account this type of clause. It would probably be very expensive.
        2. Why can’t the sidewalks be put on both sides of the road like they use to be? Answer it was preliminary designed to stay within the Town’s right of way and to provide the safest location. This can be re-looked at by the engineers.
        3. Could we look at the intersection of 31 and N. Main to see if a better “traffic calming” approach could be used? Answer -Yes, the engineers will be made aware of the concern.
        4. How long will the project take? Answer – it is estimated to take 3-4 months and a specific time period will be part of the contract. Residents will have open access to their property during the entire process.
        5. What effect will the entire cost have on our tax rate? Answer – In 2007 it will be 0; in 2008 it is estimated to have about a .12 cent to .15 cent impact on the overall debt of the Town as was explained at the Budget Hearings.
        6. If we only replaced the bridge what would the cost be? Answer – The cost of the bridge is estimated to be $230,000.00, plus the cost of the water & sewer line repairs which will be in the area of $25,000.00. To be safe with engineering the total project will cost just under $300,000.00.
        7. If we did the project in sections what would the additional cost be? Answer-The cost of mobilization and inflation will be significant, we do not have an exact number yet, but we will get it before Town Meeting.
        8. Why is the project necessary at all? Answer – First and foremost, safety improvements. Second the need for the installation of underground drainage and the bridge has to be replaced or weight limits will have to be placed on it to restrict heavy trucks from using the bridge. Since this is one of the most used roads in Town it needs attention, now or in the immediate future.

Other questions were raised that were specific property issues. These questions will be addressed by the engineers with the property owners if the warrant article is passed at Town meeting.

There being no further questions or comments the chairman closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m.

The Chairman called to order the Public Bond Hearing at 8:10 p.m. to discuss the request to seek approval for “Bonding” of $200,000.00 for the future purchase of “Open Space Land and Conservation Easements”. The attached agenda list the items discussed. M. Chapman gave an overview of the reasoning behind this request and the goals of the Open Space Committee. The following questions were addressed:

        1. Is there any potential land or easement purchases on the horizon? Answer – Yes, in cooperation with the Harris Center there maybe an opportunity to participate in the “Bald Mountain Basin” project, which could include up to 3,000 acres in Antrim.
        2. Can the money be used to purchase conservation easements? Answer - Yes
        3. Is there a current list of “Priority” property for Open Space protection? Answer – Not a revised, updated list at this time. This is something that the Conservation Commission and the Open Space Committee will be working on.
        4. What will the affect on taxes be this year? Answer- 0 this year. No cost will be incurred until property is found and brought before Town Meeting as the warrant article states.
There being no further questions or comments the chairman closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the February 12th selectmen’s meeting.

The selectmen were advised that the letter to all residents of North Main Street and parts of Smith Road and Goodell Road, that will be affected by the North Main Street reconstruction plans, have been sent advising them to stop into Town Hall to review the plans that are posted on the wall in Little Town Hall. It was noted that these are not the final plans but are meant for informational purposes only.

The selectmen met with P. Beblowski who gave the selectmen an update on the activities of the Conservation Commission. He also informed them of the possibility of the Conservation Commission joining with the Audubon Society in the purchase of a conservation easement on approximately 130+/- acres in Antrim. In addition, he discussed the fact that the Conservation Commission will be looking into purchasing a permanent fifty (50) ft. easement of Buttercup Road to Town owned property.

P. Beblowski also discussed how the Conservation Commission will be co-operating with the Open Space Committee, the Library, Recreation, and the Highway department on various common interest projects.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

The next meeting will be Monday, February 26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. There is no set agenda at this time.