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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/20/06
November 21st, 2006
Selectmen Meeting Minutes – November 20th, 2006

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, M. Chauncey, T. Goodwin, M. Beauchamp, M. Gale, C. Lunetta, and S. Harding
The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
The selectmen approved the minutes of the November 13th meeting.
The selectmen asked Mr. Chauncey if he wanted to address his concerns to the board at this time or did he wish to wait until next Monday at 7:00 P.M. which was scheduled for him. He stated that he would wait until next week but he did ask if he could record the current meeting. The board had no objection and advised each person who was present that the meeting was being recorded.
The selectmen asked M. Beauchamp and M. Gale to come forward and present their 2007 budget request. Each line item was discussed and it was agreed to adjust two areas in the budget as it was presented; first, the line for “Grants will be reworded to say Grants/Water Resources and it will be adjusted from $4,000. To $5,000. This will cover the cost of improving our fire pond/dry hydrant systems. second, it was agreed to reduce the line item for equipment from $18,500. To $14,000. This was suggested by M. Beauchamp and accepted.. M. Beauchamp is waiting to confirm the 2007 dispatch cost which has been estimated to be $7,850. A small increase over the current year. Regarding “On-Call” rates for all Firemen, it was agreed to keep the same rate of $10.00 per hour for 2007. In addition, the stipend paid to the officers will remain the same as well, which is; Chief $1,000/yr., Deputy Chief $750/yr., Captain $750/yr., and Lieutenant $600/yr. No other stipends are authorized or paid for any other positions in the Fire Department. M. Chauncey asked if the Town is providing the proper insurance and liability coverage for fireman since it is his understanding that cancer is a high risk for fire fighters. M. Beauchamp stated that the Town covers all the firemen and town employees with excellent insurance, workmen’s compensation, and liability protection. He also stated that the firemen are required to follow established procedures for fighting “Hazardous materials fires” and for the proper cleaning and storage of their gear after every call. He felt that the training, equipment, and procedures being used are excellent. The selectmen thanked M. Beauchamp and M. Gale for their budget presentation.
The selectmen asked M. Beauchamp if P. Lovering was coming to present the ambulance section of the Fire Department budget. M. Beauchamp said no, she was doing some training and could not be present. However, he was prepared to review the ambulance section of the budget. First, it was agreed that the “General Fund” section of the budget would have in it, $100.00 per line item, which would be a total of $900.00 for the year. The second budget will be the Revolving Fund Budget. This will show the full cost and income of the ambulance. The total expenses are estimated to be $99,025.00. This includes an increase in “On-Call” salaries to $36,000 for the year, from a projected $25,000 this year. The basis for this is an increase in call volume to approximately 400 calls per year. It also includes an increase in fuel usage to $1,600. The cost of the ambulance lease will also be included which is $26,000. The income from billing will offset the entire cost and will allow for funds to build in the “Revolving Account”. Discussion then took place as to how to handle the funds received from the towns of Bennington and Stoddard for providing the service. M. Beauchamp felt that these funds should come to the revolving account and they would be offset by expenses that will then be charged for workmen’s compensation, unemployment, and liability insurance as well as the cost of utilities (excluding telephone) and fuel oil. It was agreed that M. Beauchamp will come up with a % breakdown for the allocation of the utilities and fuel oil. (Note the 2006 cost for electric is $3,504.00 and the fuel oil is projected to be $3,315.00, for a total of $6,819.00 which needs to be allocated by M. Beauchamp. The other direct ambulance cost are: unemployment insurance $342.00, workmen’s compensation insurance is projected to be $1,990.00 for 2007, and the vehicle and liability insurance is $2,351.00. M. Beauchamp will review the above and will give the selectmen his recommendation as to the proper allocation of cost to the ambulance. M. Beauchamp asked W. Prokop to attend the meeting of the Fire Department on 12/05/06 to explain the “physical program” to the firemen. He also advised the selectmen that he will be having surgery on his shoulder on December 11th and will be out of work for maybe 2 months, the selectmen wished him well.
The selectmen announced that the discussions to purchase the Gould property on West Street have been terminated and that at this time no further action on this is taking place.
The selectmen voted to approve having the Town Treasurer, David Essex or the Town Administrator, William Prokop authorized to request funds be transferred from the Lake Sunapee Loan account #6000725043 as is required, and to advise Mr. Faber of Lake Sunapee Bank of the approval. This was so voted.
The selectmen discussed and voted to accept the new FEMA Flood Plain Maps and to incorporate them into the Town Planning and Zoning Ordinances. This is pursuant to RSA 674:56, by resolution of the Antrim Board of Selectmen, all lands designated as special flood hazard areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in its “Flood Insurance Study for the County of Hillsborough, NH” dated May 2007, together with the associated Flood Insurance Rate Maps dated May 2007 are declared to be part of the Antrim Land Use Ordinance and are incorporated by reference. This was so voted.
The Tax rate for 2006 will be $20.94. The Town portion is $8.62, County is $1.06, Local School is $8.79, and the State School is $2.47. This is the first tax rate increase in three years and is based on an assessed value of $232,000,000.
The selectmen than reviewed the Park and Recreation Budget with C. Lunetta, and S. Harding. First, C. Lunetta presented the selectmen with a listing or the number of participants in each of the various Park and Recreation programs. The selectmen asked for a breakdown of how many are from the various surrounding towns. C. Lunetta will compile that information for the selectmen. M. Chauncey asked what age groups are using the programs and he felt that we should have more programs for the 18 to 25 year olds. C. Lunetta mentioned that several of our programs are geared towards this group but that this age group is the hardest to get involved. The budget was reviewed and discussed line by line. The two areas of increase were in Office Furniture/Supplies/etc. which included the cost of an additional computer for the Recreation office, and the Salaries line which increased the hour of C. Lunetta from 25 to 28 hours/wk, and the administrator from 10 hours/wk. to 18 hours/ wk. Selectman Genest was very concerned about the need for additional hours, not that some were not needed but he is especially concerned about the cost of salaries over a two year period. S. Harding shared M. Genest concern, but felt that our programs are reaching a plateau and that we now will be leveling off and holding our cost and programs at a steady level. The overall budget request for the Town’s share is $59,850. The selectmen agreed to review this and discuss this further at a future date. The discussion then moved to the “Recreation Revolving Account” this is a new account and the income will all come from fees and fund raising activities. The expense side will be all the cost associated with the fees charged plus the Recreation Departments share of the lease cost for the Community Bus. The goal is to begin building a reserve in the Revolving Account which can be carried over from year to year. C. Lunetta then requested five hours a week of maintenance assistance from the Building and Grounds Department that would not be charged to the Park and Recreation budget. This included field mowing, beach house cleaning and maintenance, etc. This will also be reviewed. The board thanked C. Lunetta and S. Harding for the information that they provided.
The board asked W. Prokop to obtain a list of suggested names to Chair the Open Spaces Committee and to also contact the Recreation Land Committee to thank them for their work and to advise them that there is no additional work for them to do at this time.
The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 11/27/06. The current agenda is: 7:00 p.m. –M. Chauncey wishes to address the board. 7:15 p.m.- Town Bridge Program review. 7:30 p.m. meeting with Bryers Lane property owners to discuss finalization of “Betterment Program”.