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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/02/06
October 3rd, 2006

Selectmen Meeting Minutes –October 2nd, 2006

Present: M. Genest, R Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, T. Goodwin, M. Casey, T. Feyrer, S. Dunn, R. Seavey, C. Levesque.

The selectmen approved the minutes of September, 18th, 2006 meeting.

T. Feyrer and S. Dunn presented to the Board of Selectmen a plaque to honor Chief Ralph “Buster” Brooks, who died while on duty serving the Town of Antrim. This will be displayed in the Police Department. (See press release attached.).

S. Dunn and T. Feyrer then did a demonstration of the Thermovision Scout ZX thermo imaging equipment that the Antrim Police Department was awarded a grant for from the U.S. Army Special Programs Office. The total value of the grant and training was approximately $20,000. This unit will be used by the police and fire departments to detect “hot spots” in fire situations and in search and rescue operations. The selectmen offered their thanks and congratulations to the police department in their being awarded this grant and in bringing this technology to the Town.

The selectmen then reviewed the “Guidelines for use of the Community Bus” and approved them. (copy attached).

The selectmen approved the appointment of Mr. John Griffin as an alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals.

C. Levesque then spoke to the board regarding a proposed warrant article for the Town to raise and appropriate funds for the Antrim Open Space Conservation Plan. C. Levesque is asking the board to consider up to $500,000. This would however, be a 2 step plan. The voters would have to pass by a 2/3rds majority the desire to go forward with the Open Space Plan, but no funds would be spent until a specific purchase was proposed and then a vote by the taxpayers would be held and that would need a majority vote approval to pass. It is also proposed that the warrant have an expiration date of 6/30/10. After some discussion the board advised C. Levesque that they would consider this and they appreciated him bringing this to them early in the budgeting stage. M. Genest expressed his concern about the dollar amount, but again said they would have further discussions.

The selectmen were advised of several positive e-mails received by the Town from visitors who attended the Home and Harvest weekend in Antrim. The selectmen have sent thank you letters to the Home and Harvest Committee, The Antrim Players, and the Chamber of Commerce for the excellent work that was done on all the events.

The selectmen voted to go into Non-Public session per RSA -91:4a regarding personnel issues and legal issues at 7:45 p.m.

The selectmen voted to go back into public session at 9:00 p.m.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week. The selectmen voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 10/16/06.
