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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/31/06
October 31, 2006

Selectmen Meeting Minutes –October 30, 2006

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, T. Feyrer, C. Craig, R. Varnum, N. Benda, S. Dowling, K. Chisholm, C. Kerwin

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the October 16th meeting.

The selectmen began the 2007 Budget review process. C. Craig presented his request for the ARTS Department. He showed minimal increases in wages, waste hauling fees, and in repairs and equipment. The major equipment to be added is an additional baler.

N. Benda, a Library Trustee, then presented the request of the Library. The major increases in this budget were for heating oil and electricity. This is due to the addition that is now under construction. Other expenses were very much in line with this year's spending level.

R. Varnum, Road Agent, presented his request for the highway department. His budget was also in line with the 2006 spending rate, with the major increase being in the “Sand” line item. This is both a short and long-term cost but will be shown as a line item for budget requirements. Decisions will have to be made on the major road projects to be done over the next 2-3 years. These decisions will have to be made after all budget requests are submitted and the C.I.P. plans are reviewed.

T. Feyrer, Chief of Police, than presented his budget request. A lot of it is carrying out plans that were presented and discussed 2-3 years ago. The overall increase for 2007 will only be around 3-3.5% and is in line with other department and the master plan needs. Discussion did take place regarding how the cost will increase in 2008 and beyond. It was agreed to look at the various options and to finalize the plans within the next 30 days.

The selectmen thanked the four departments for coming to the meeting so prepared and in keeping their requests to the minimum. It is greatly appreciated.

The selectmen reviewed a new note from Ms. Shelley Nelkens regarding the Thermal Imager. A copy was given to Chief Feyrer. He will respond in writing to the selectmen. (note below)

The selectmen were advised that we received an additional $21,000 from FEMA for the damage to the White Birch Point Bridge in October of 2005. Plans for the rebuilding of this will be discussed in the future.

The selectmen also reviewed the report of Quantum Construction Consultants, LLC regarding the bridge going to the property located at 27 Grove Street. The selectmen instructed the Town Administrator to prepare a letter to the owners advising them of the findings. This will be done within the week.

The selectmen reviewed and approved an equipment exchange with Robblee Tree Service for some used mowing and lawn maintenance equipment.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 11/06/06 and they will be reviewing the budget plans of the Planning Department, Administration, Town Clerk, and Government Buildings.  On November 13th they will review Building Inspector, Conservation, Welfare, and Misc. On November 20th they will review Fire, Ambulance, and Park and Recreation Departments.
