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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/21/2005
November 22nd, 2005
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –November 21st, 2005

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, K. Chisholm, S. Dowling, K. Kerwin, S. Proctor ,N. King, N. Bender C. Lunetta, P. Lamb, S. Harding

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the November 14th, 2005 meeting.

Mr. Mathew Elliott was sworn in as a Police Officer by Ms. Donna Hanson, Deputy Town Clerk. He will begin his duties immediately.

The Selectmen appointed Mary Allen to the position of Supervisor of the Checklist to replace Isabel Nichols, who passed away on Saturday, November 19th. Ms. Allen will fill this position until the upcoming election.

Budget requests were then heard by the board of selectmen from the following departments:
                LIBRARY: K. Chisholm –She explained her budget request and asked
                for an increase in the budget of $16,600 over and above their initial
                request. Most of this, $15,000 being for the purchase of books, which the
                Trustees feel have been overlooked as a Town expense for many years. K.         
                Chisholm felt that she knew the computer needs of the library better than
                anyone and that she can take care of all their computer needs, networking,
        wireless connections, purchase of software, etc. The discussion then lead       to the Library addition and the Selectmen gave the Trustees a plan
        prepared for them by L. Pagano and J. Kendall this could provide for the
        necessary additional space for the next several years and blend into the
        current building design. The Trustees will meet with L. Pagano and J.
        Kendall to review the idea’s presented.

Park & Recreation – C. Lunetta, S. Harding and P. Lamb –They explained that the entire basis for this budget is that the Town votes to establish a Recreation Revolving Account which would use all the fees for recreation programs and the money would not go into the “General Fund”. This means that the programs become self-funding. It was agreed that this
is the best way to proceed. In addition warrant articles will be put forward
for continued improvements to Shea Field (cost shared with ConVal) and
a reserve amount will be added to Field Development.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next Public meeting is scheduled for 12/05/05. The Board will be meeting in a non-public session on Monday 11/28/05 at 7:00 p.m. per RSA 91-4a to discuss personnel matters.
