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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/252005
October 25, 2005

Selectmen Meeting Minutes –October 24, 2005

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, M. Morrow, S. Chatfield, L. Henderson J. Soullier, R. Edmunds, J. Fluhr, W. Fluhr, T. Roche, D. Roche, J. Howard

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the October 17th, 2005 meeting.

The selectmen were advised that Antrim’s application for phase II of the Main Street Rehabilitation was approved by the SWRPC and will be forwarded to the D.O.T. for review and approval. It is expected that a decision will be made by April of 2006.

The selectmen approved the payment of $13,083.33 to the Town of Deering for Antrim’s share of the Antrim/Deering bridge project. This money will be withdrawn from the “Bridge reserve”.

Chairman Genest thanked the property owners on Bryers Lane for coming to the meeting. The group was then given a copy of the cost estimates and betterment plan for Bryers Lane. ( see copy attached). He also reviewed the amended warrant article from last years Town Meeting. Several questions were asked by the residents for clarification purposes. After some discussion it was agreed that the Town Administrator will put together a complete package of all the material discussed tonight along with a copy of the “Tucker Brook Builders Cluster Housing By-Laws (as are recorded with the Hillsborough Registry of Deeds), soil testing report, quotations received, and the cost of bonding as prepared by the NH Bond Bank. This package will be sent to each property owner for review on Tuesday, October 25, 2005.

The property owners were advised that the Town must deal with the association and that they will have to hold a meeting, discuss, and vote according to their by-laws. The association has ten days which will expire on ( November 7th ) to advise the Board of Selectmen if they wish to proceed with this “Betterment Plan” for Bryers Lane. If they do, the selectmen will then hold a public hearing and move forward with the entire process.

R. Edmunds asked the selectmen if they would consider plowing Bryers Lane this winter under the “emergency powers” if the decision is made to go ahead with the Bryers Lane improvements in the spring of next year. The selectmen told him that they would give serious consideration to it. The selectmen would advise them as soon as possible regarding their decision.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 10/31/05.

                        AS OF 10/20/05

1. TEST BORING -                                $  1,600.00
2. REBUILDING OF ROAD                     51,000.00
3. DRAINAGE                                 6,500.00
4. NEW WATER LINE –TO EACH                40,000.00             
5. BASIC ENGINEERING & REVIEW           5,000.00

TOTAL ESTIMATED COST              $104,100.00

This is at minimum a $100,000 project. A Bond can be purchased from the NH Municipal Bond Bank. A 7 year bond will have an interest rate of 4.248% and the full cost will be $116,657.64. There are 9 property owners. This would cost each property owner $1851.71 per year for 7 years. The maximum allowed would be 10 years and the bond cost is 4.499% for a total cost of $125,062.50. This would cost each property owner $1389.58 per year for 10 years.

The following would take place:

1.      The property owners association agrees to go ahead with this as proposed.
2.      If agreed, a Public Hearing would be held to get public input.
3.      A request for firm quotations would then be requested.
4.      A warrant article to allow the Town to enter into a “Betterment Program” with the Bryers Lane property owners would then be requested by the Board of Selectmen.
5.      If approved, legal agreements will be drawn and agreed by association and Town and the road property would be deeded to Town.
6.      Contracts will be awarded to successful bidders.
7.      Cost of water connections from main water line on street and to each individual house will be the full responsibility of each property owner if a new one is needed.
8.      The Town will record a lien on all property owners on Bryers Lane and the amount owed annually will be billed on a quarterly basis. The property owner will be responsible for full payment in full of the lien.
9.      Once the work is completed the Town would be fully responsible for its up keep and maintence.
