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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/17/2005
October 18, 2005

Selectmen Meeting Minutes –October 17, 2005

Present: R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, M. Morrow, S. Chatfield, L. Henderson, L. Bosse, S. Dunn, D. Hanson, R. Seavey, T. Feyrer, J. Feyrer, S. Dunn, G. Squires, D. Squires, P. Bonanno, S. Perinne, N. Perinne, E. Edwards, C. Rawnsley, A. Chapman, F. Barsanti.

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M. Selectman Pratt assumed the role of Chairman for the meeting.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the October 3rd, 2005 meeting.

The selectmen appointed Scott Dunn as Sergeant and he was sworn in by Donna Hanson, Deputy Town Clerk.

The selectmen then met with Gale and Denis Squires regarding the bridge on Grove Street. They presented the selectmen with a written recap of the problems with the bridge, which goes back many years. They expressed their appreciation to the board for at least looking into the problems. They were advised that the Road Agent, Underwood Engineers, and the Water and Sewer department are all looking into the best way to solve the problems. It is expected that this will be addressed in the 2006 budget year. The Squires felt that that was very reasonable and that they wanted to cooperate with the Town on solving this once and for all.

The selectmen then met with the Water and Sewer Commissioners to discuss future projects. The goal of the Town and Water and Sewer is to work together on future major projects in order to keep cost down and to create as little disturbance to the residents as possible. Some of the future projects discussed were; North Main Street, Pleasant Street, Highland Ave., Campbell Pond pipe repair, and a second Contoocook River crossing line. It was agreed that the Water and Sewer commissioners will prepare a priority list, and estimated cost of the improvements that they see necessary from 2006 through 2011. This will be ready by the middle of November.

Bryers Lane was then discussed with the Water and Sewer commissioners and it is estimated that the cost to bring the water supply up to standard will be in the area of $40,000 -$45,000. Due to the many projects and state requirements of work that has to be done by Water and Sewer in the next few years, this project will have to be done using outside contractors. The meeting with the property owners will be held next Monday evening October 24th at the selectmen’s meeting.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 10/24/05.
