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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 05/09/2005
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –May, 9, 2005

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, S. Chatfield, J. Soullier

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the April 18th. meeting.

The selectmen discussed preparing for the public hearing on Bryers Lane. It was agreed to have the Road Agent arrange for test borings of the road base and then to provide the results to at least 2 contractors and have them each prepare a written proposal to do the work required to bring the road up to Class V. standards. Selectmen Pratt will coordinate the work that has to be done by the Water & Sewer Department with the Road Agent. The proposals should be back to the selectmen by the middle of July. The selectmen will review them and meet with the property owners, advise them of the findings, and will then hold a public hearing on this project in September.

The selectmen voted to approve the appointment of Monica Steele as a member of the TIF Advisory Committee, effective immediately. They also agreed to form the Antrim Citizen Corps and to appoint Pamela Taylor as the Administrator. They approved the appointment of Douglas Crafts as an alternate member of the ZBA.

The selectmen reviewed the request of the Planning Board to appoint an “Excavation Site” inspector. After some discussion Spencer Garrett was appointed to that position. The cost of his service will become part of the Planning Board budget.

The selectmen reviewed a request by the Open Spaces Committee to write a letter to Senator Flanders urging his support in the Senate of increasing funding for LCHIP. The selectmen have asked the Town Administrator to prepare a letter to Senator Flanders as requested by our Open Space Committee.

The selectmen confirmed their intent to go ahead with the Layout of the road for the Mulhall Heights Subdivision as long as it passes the Planning Board requirements and is approved by Underwood Engineers so that it meets design and construction standards of Antrim’s Class V roads. The selectmen are going to ask the Planning Board to arrange a joint meeting and to invite Bart Mayer to attend. The purpose to develop a clear understanding as to future road layouts.

The selectmen then reviewed various correspondences and signed the payroll for the week.

The selectmen than went into Non-Public Session at 8:00 PM, Per RSA:91-4a, to discuss personnel issues.

The selectmen went back into public session at 8:30 PM. The agreed to having a meeting with the Recycling Manager at the ARTS Center on Friday, May 13th at 2:00 p.m..

The next selectmen’s meeting will be May 23rd at 7:00 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
