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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/18/2005
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –April 18, 2005

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, I. Donovan,S. Chatfield, M. Pon, M. Beauchamp,R. Bethel, J. Parsons, M. Pacheco, T. Bryer, L. Henderson

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the March 28th. meeting.

M. Pacheco from “Citizens Corps”, a FEDERAL HOMELAND SECURITY ORGANIZATION, gave a presentation to the selectmen and the Town’s first responders as to what Citizens Corps is, how it works, how it is funded, and used a power-point presentation to give examples of the program. It was felt by most people in attendance that this was something that the Town could benefit from in being able to communicate our Hazardous Mitigation Plan, our Emergency Management Plan, and for the implementation of a “Neighborhood Watch” program. The concern was in the managing of the volunteers and in keeping them trained and motivated. The Fire Chief thought it was a good idea, but that it was something that he did not want to be involved with. The selectmen will think about the program and will have the Town Administrator get in touch with Mr. Pacheco to discuss further aspects of the plan.

The Fire Department was advised and given information sheets on “ Emergency Lights and Sirens” that have to be completed by all members and returned to the Town Office by June 1st. These forms will be required by the insurance company on an annual basis and it will be the responsibility of the Fire Chief to keep them current. It was further pointed out to all Department Heads that standard operating procedures for each department must be updated and will become part of our “Emergency Management Plan”. This is a requirement to obtain any further grants from Homeland Security. The Fire Chief, M. Beauchamp felt that the Fire Departments By-laws cover all of this. The selectmen asked the Town Administrator to check into this with Homeland Security and with the Local Government Center. He will report back to the Fire Chief and the Selectmen his findings.

The Selectmen voted to approve the appointment of Mr. Len Pagano as a member of the ZBA, effective immediately.

The selectmen then reviewed various correspondences and signed the payroll for the week.

The next selectmen’s meeting will be May 9th at 7:00 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
