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Planning Board Minutes 06/06/2019
Public Meeting
June 6th, 2019

Members & Planning Staff Present:               
Janet McEwen (Chair), Lynne Rosansky (Vice Chair), Mark D. Murdough (Member), Steve MacDonald (Alternate)John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Neal Pattison (Member), John Anderson (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant), and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards)
Members/Staff Absent: Mary Allen (Member)
Others Present: Leigh Bosse (The Messenger), Mike Genest (Selectmen), Lucy Pivonka (The Stonebridge Post)
CTO: Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Mr. MacDonald was appointed to sit in for Ms. Allen. The Chair introduced the rest of the Board and Staff.

I.Mr. Bosse’s Session with the Board:
The Chair said that Mr. Bosse was here this evening to speak to the Board regarding a newspaper article in the Stonebridge Post, and the drafted minutes from the last meeting. She advised the Board that Mr. Bosse was only to speak to her directly, unless she called on the Board to speak.
Mr. Bosse said that the Stonebridge Post article regarding the Messenger, and the discussion the Planning Board had at the last meeting that were in the minutes posted online, upset him. The Chair mentioned the minutes were drafted minutes, and not approved, and that the Board was also upset that drafted minutes were used to write an article, and at the content of the drafted minutes as well. She reminded Mr. Bosse that the issues between his paper and the other paper had nothing to do with the Planning Board.  
Mr. Pattison entered at 7:12pm.
Mr. Bosse expressed how upset he was by the drafted minutes, and how he felt it was a personal attack on his character. He went into details of the issues he felt he had with Ms. Brudnick-Destromp during his voluntary lot merger. The Chair told him that if he had an issue with how his application was handled, he should have said something to the Board.
There was a long conversation between Chair McEwen and Mr. Bosse. The Chair explained Ms. Brudnick-Destromps roll as a staff member, and how she is new in her position and can make mistakes. She reminded Mr. Bosse that the Board did not agree with the article posted in the Stonebridge either, and that they were upset by being quoted through drafted minutes. She also added that his application had nothing to do with the decision to use the Ledger, and how the Ledger had been the original choice in an earlier meeting, and then it was later changed back to the the Messenger.
Mr. MacDonald asked what Mr. Bosse was looking for as an end result.
Mr. Bosse said he is specifically asking for the Board to issue an apology in the minutes, and in a letter.
The Chair said she acknowledges the request, and will discuss it with the Board. Mr. Bosse left after the topic was over.
II. Minutes: Chair McEwen asked the Board to review the drafted minutes from 5/16/19.
Review: The Chair explained that Ms. Brudnick-Destromp had made a revised version, as well as the original draft that was posted, and that everyone had copies of both. The Chair asked the Board if they wanted to review the original minutes, or preferred to start with the revised minutes. The Board decided to review the original minutes.
Discussion: There was a long discussion on the length of the minutes, and the standard of how minutes should be taken. The Board decided moving forward, the minutes cannot look like a transcript, and just need to be to the point. The Board decided they wanted to table the minutes to give the Board time to review the original draft, as well as the revised draft.
Motion:  Mr. MacDonald made a motion to table the minutes until the next meeting, Mr. Robertson second it.
Vote: Mr. Pattison abstained. By a voice vote, all other members present were in favor.
The Board decided to hold off on reviewing the minutes from the Solar Site Walk on 5/31/19 as well.
III. Review of Drafted Bylaws
The Chair went through the changes that Ms. Ogilvie had made, and mentioned the newly added definitions section. There were discussions of each correction as the Board went line by line, and several more changes were made.
Ms. Rosansky had to leave the meeting at 8:20PM.
The Board continued with corrections, suggestions, and quick discussions on each change. There was a discussion on public meetings, and how if people wish to speak, do they have to be on the Agenda or are they allowed to come un-announced? Ms. Ogilvie will clarify in the bylaws that if someone wants to speak to the Board, that they need to be on the agenda. Ms. Ogilvie will make the changes and send it to the Board for review.
Motion: Mr. Anderson moved to accept the bylaws as amended, Mr. Pattison second it.
Vote: by a voice vote all were in favor.
IV. Planning Assistant Report:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said currently, the Board has used 18.032% of the annual income, and continue to be in good standing with their budget.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that the ZBA has a new alternate, Ms. Diane Kendall who was appointed on 6/3/19 by the Selectboard. She also said that the CIP have a meeting scheduled for Monday 6/10/19 at 5:00pm.
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp informed the Board that the new fee schedule was added to the Town’s website.
There was a discussion about home based businesses having site plan review. Ms. Ogilvie and the Chair discussed how if it meets the definition of a home occupation, it does not need review. But, if it does not meet the definition of a home occupation, then it is considered a home based business, and does then require a minor site plan.
It was decided to leave it as it is. The Board was in unanimous agreement.
V. Re-cap of 25th Annual Spring Zoning and Planning Conference:
The Chair said she wanted to wait until the next meeting when all that attended the conference would be present.
VI. Re-Cap of Peterborough Solar Walk:  
The Chair decided to hold off on this as well, so that all the members could be present for the discussion.
VII. Master Plan Business & Land Chapter Review-Continued:
The Chair said that unfortunately she does not want to spend just 15 minutes on this topic, as it was late, and so she would like to maybe hold a separate public meeting to focus on the Master Plan. It was suggested to come in at 6pm instead of 7pm for the next meeting.
Mr. Anderson, Mr. Murdough, Chair McEwen, and Ms. Ogilvie had a discussion on the report that had been put together for the Businesses section, the direction it is going on, and where it needs to be. Mr. Anderson gave his input. It was decided to put them on the agenda for the next meeting, and to come in at 6:00PM.
VIII. Correspondence:
Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said at this time, there was no correspondence to report.
VIIII. Other Business:
There was no other business discussed.

Motion: Mr. Robertson made a motion to close the meeting, Mr. MacDonald second it.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed
Chair McEwen will consult with the Selectboard and Town Attorney regarding Mr. Bosse’s request.
Meeting Adjourned:  ~ The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp

(Assistant to Land Use Boards)