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Planning Board Minutes 11/15/2018

Regular Meeting
November 15th, 2018

Members & Planning Staff Present:               
Janet McEwen (Chair), Chris Condon (Vice Chair), Mary Allen (Member), William Bryk (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Bob Holmes (Member), Lynne Rosansky (Member), and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards)

Members Absent: Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant), and Steve MacDonald (Alternate)

Others Present:

CTO:  Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 6:58 PM.

I. Minutes:
  • Review:  Chair McEwen asked the board to review the minutes from 11/1/18.
Discussion: Ms. Brudnick-Destromp pointed out two errors that she had noticed that needed to be corrected.

Motion: Mr. Condon made a motion to approve the minutes as amended by the planning assistant, Mr. Bryk second the motion. By a voice vote, the minutes for November 1st, 2018 were approved as amended.

II.Voting on CIP Spreadsheet from 11/1/18:
  • Chair McEwen said that the board would be discussing and either approving or denying the acceptance of the CIP Spreadsheet that was submitted from the CIP Committee to the board on 11/1/18 when she was absent, and Vice Chair Condon was filling in for her.
  • Ms. Allen questioned if they were approving the CIP spreadsheet, or accepting it. Mr. Robertson, Chair McEwen, and Mr. Holmes explained that the board was only accepting it, and that it will move on to the selectman for final approval.
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to accept the CIP spreadsheet as it was submitted on 11/1/18, Ms. Rosansky second the motion. By a voice vote, the CIP spreadsheet was accepted.
        Mr. Holmes also made a motion that the planning board should send a thank you letter to the department heads for their work on the CIP this year. After discussion, it was decided that Mr. Bryk would draft a letter based on Mr. Holmes input. There was no further discussion about the actual motion itself, and it was never seconded or voted on.

III. Planning Assistant Report:
  • Ms. Brudnick-Destromp mentioned that the next Planning Board Meeting scheduled for 12/6/18 will have an application by Iris Waitt and Arthur Setaro for a lot line adjustment to add a piece of property to their pre-existing back lot to connect to a cul-de-sac, and eventually go before the ZBA for a variance to put a driveway in. The current property has no road access, as they purchased a back lot, and this lot would give them road access. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp explained that Ms. Waitt and Mr. Setaro had spoken to the developer, and that the developer wanted them to be able to build a driveway as well connected to the cul-de-sac. The application was re submitted on 11/5/18, and Ms. Brudnick-Destromp received the plat on Tuesday 11/13/18 so they are well within the time line. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp briefly showed the plat to the board, and showed that the person whom they had purchased the land from, will still maintain road access just on another road. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp said that she had sent a PDF version of the plat to Ms. Ogilvie, and she is working on a report for December 6th, 2018 as well for the board.
IV. Workshop for Master Plan:
  • Mr. Holmes said that the subcommittee decided to keep the Vision statement to 1 page, with a logo background.  He explained that the bullet points within the Vision Statement will be taken out to each section within the body of the Master Plan, and are really what will drive everything. Chair McEwen had copies of bullet points from 20/20 that she asked Mr. Holmes to reference when revising the bullet points, as the bullet points the Planning Board had discussed from September 2018, did not match what was on the drafted Vision in front of her.
  • Mr. Condon also pointed out that “destination” needs to be pluralized in the last paragraph, and that the last sentence of the Vision statement should be taken out, as it touches on transportation, and this is just a vision statement. Both Mr. Bryk and Ms. Rosansky agreed with this. Overall, the board like the Vision Statement Draft produced by Ms. Ogilvie, Mr. Holmes, and Mr. Bryk.
  • Chair McEwen and Mr. Holmes discussed and compared bullet points from Antrim 20/20 with the ones on the draft provide by Ms. Ogilvie.
  • Ms. Allen was confused by Home and Harvest being an event, and that it was being compared to recreational activities. Chair McEwen and Ms. Allen, had a discussion about it being removed. I
  • It was decided by Chair McEwen and Mr. Holmes, that the board should go down the bullet points 1 by 1 and compare them to the ones from September to make sure everyone was on the same page, and all ideas were represented in the new Vision Statement. There was lots of positive feedback and input among the board members, and there was a group effort to make changes and corrections.   
  • Corrected from comparison of 20/20 vs draft by Ms. Ogilvie, following new bullets:
  • Protect and enhance our natural resources and conservation areas
  • Promote Antrim as a destination for business, tourism, conservation, recreation, and community events.
  • Promote expansion of affordable housing
  • Encourage new business growth and job opportunities
  • Enhance and create Wi-Fi and cell service throughout the town
  • Promote lifelong learning opportunities
  • Make downtown a community hub through increased activity, business, walkability, parking and activities
  • Encourage and promote business development
  • Support funding for town infrastructures
  • Encourage a healthy small business climate including home based businesses
  • Support the creation of public and private meeting places and gathering spaces.
  • Support green building, sustainability, and energy conservation
  • Ms. Rosansky left the meeting around 7:53 PM after a conversation between herself and the Chair regarding the length of time spent reviewing the bullet points.
  • Ms. Brudnick-Destromp read back and verified the 12 new and corrected points. She will email them to the board members for another review, where it was noted by Chair McEwen and Mr. Condon that the same words were used several times so there may need to be further editing. The rest of the board agreed.
V. Correspondence:
  • Ms. Brudnick-Destromp provided the board with a copy of a letter she received from Meridian Land Service Inc, regarding the acquisition of Todd Land Use Consultants, LLC.
VI. Other Business:
  • Ms. Brudnick-Destromp provided the board with copies of the flyer for the Absolute Auction for the town of Antrim scheduled for December 1st, 2018 at 10:00 at Town Hall.
  • There was a brief discussion amongst the members on the process of the absolute auction, and if the back taxes are excused. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp and Mr. Robertson affirmed that the back taxes are excused on those properties.

Meeting Adjourned:  ~ Mr. Holmes made a motion to adjourn at 8:28pm, Mr. Robertson  second that motion.

By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
Assistant to Land Use Boards