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Planning Board Minutes 08/02/2018
Regular Meeting
August 2, 2018
Members & Staff Present:                
Janet McEwen (Chair), Chris Condon (Vice Chair), William Bryk (Member), Bob Holmes (Member); and Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner),
Members Absent:  Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate), Mary Allen (Member), Lynne Rosansky (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), and Steve MacDonald (Alternate).
Others Present:
CTO:  Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

I.      Minutes
  • Minutes from July 19, 2018.  Since there are only four members present, and one was not present at this meeting and must abstain, the vote to approve is tabled.
II.     Master Plan – Vision Statement
Chair McEwen wished to re-assign the homework project for the Vision Statement.  She stated that the various departments/committees involved in the Master Plan could review the relevant chapter and report on relevancy.
Chair McEwan also suggested that all documents that are addressed in the minutes should be filed as attachments with the approved minutes.
The Chair stated that a quick narrative of what Antrim is would be sufficient for the Vision Statement.  The final product could mirror Manchester’s document.
Mr. Holmes said that he will email his version of the Vision Statement.
Vice Chair Condon said that virtually every Master Plan in the state has maintaining the rural character as a goal.  But it is meaningless unless that is defined; so it should either be deleted or find another way to say it.  Mr. Bryk agreed that the statement is just a cliché and they need to go beyond that.

III.    Website
Chair McEwan distributed the information on the Town’s website that was prepared by Kristin Bixby.  Vice Chair Condon explained that the Town uses a third party vendor for its website and the software is very old and out of date.  Kristin’s example is much easier to manage and update; it is Virtual Towns and Schools, and many towns use this provider.  He thinks this is a reasonable way to go, including the $4500 cost, but much better site.  He volunteered to follow up on this with the Town Administrator and ask her for permission to talk directly to the provider.  
Chair McEwan noted that the budget is not done yet for next year, so this is a good time to work on this.  Also, if the new land use assistant will be expected to work on website, she thinks that the Planning Board budget should not pay for that.
IV.     Business Inventory Follow-Up
Chair McEwan has posted on Facebook that the Planning Board is looking for information on businesses in town.  She will go to the Lions Club and is hoping to find groups to look for different kinds of businesses.

V.      Update on Land Use Assistant
Chair McEwan reported that one applicant has been interviewed.  Donna Hanson liked the person, who has a background in business. There is one applicant that has not yet been interviewed, and there may be one more applicant.  The potential applicant will be introduced to the Planning Board.  
The Chair noted that Kristin Bixby, the former Assistant, thinks the Town needs a full-time planner.  She asked Ms. Ogilvie if she felt there was a need for that.  Ms. Ogilvie said perhaps not full-time, but certainly part-time.  There is a lot of planning work that does not get done because of the limited time.
Vice Chair Condon noted that there is no money in the budget now for this, but they should make the case for next year.   
Mr. Bryk stated that in NH frugality seems to be the case.  But it’s not frugal, it’s cheap.  And you get what you pay for.  The Board needs to make the case because they don’t want to end up destroying what makes this town what we love about it.  
The Board discussed the role of the land use assistant and the stresses that go along with having a public position.
Chair McEwan said that Jeanne Cahoon will be doing the minutes until the new Assistant is hired and Barbara will do the agenda.  Donna will post everything to the website.  Kristin has made herself available to help the new person if necessary.  

VI.     Review of Lot Line Adjustment Process
Chair McEwan reported that a woman called about a lot line adjustment.  She may not have received the proper application.  The Chair will give her Ms. Ogilvie’s contact information so that she can follow up with the property owners.

VII.    Request for Tree Cutting on Scenic Road
The Chair reported that residents on Liberty Farm Road want to cut trees.  This is a Scenic Road and she wondered whether a public hearing is required.  Ms. Ogilvie stated that she believes that private landowners can cut on own property, but she will confirm.

VIII.   Update on 51 Old Hancock Road
Chair McEwan reported that the property has been purchased by the person who came before the Board for an informal discussion.  According to what she has heard, this person seems to be under the impression that they can commence their activity without coming back to the Planning Board.  The Chair suggested that after a conceptual discussion, the Board should send a letter restating the discussion and the conclusion of the Board.  Ms. Ogilvie suggested sending a copy of the minutes along with a letter.
The Board discussed several approaches to a follow-up, including starting with a telephone call, since it may just be an honest misunderstanding.
Mr. Holmes cautioned the Chair to be very careful about what she says.  Vice Chair Condon suggested saying something along the lines of congratulations, welcome to town.  We are looking forward to hearing about your plans so that we can be sure to accommodate you on our schedule.

V.      Correspondence
  • PlanLink question about parking.  Chair McEwan thinks the Board should look at the parking provisions in the zoning ordinance.  
VI.     Other Business
  • Demographics.  Ms. Ogilvie said that she has collected some data, but has not wanted to put a lot of time into it until the Board was ready to proceed.
  • Review of the Calendar.  Because of the CIP timing, the Board wishes to reschedule Mary Pinkham-Langer and bring the CIP Committee in on September 20th.  
  • CIP.  Only Fire has submitted so far.  The Chair would like to institute the rule that if Departments do not participate in the process, then their budget is not considered.  Mr. Holmes stated that each CIP committee member is going to meet with a department head.  
Motion:    Mr. Bryk made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Condon
Discussion: There was no discussion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all Board members agreed.
Meeting Adjourned:  7:46 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Ogilvie
Land Use Consultant