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Planning Board MIns 10-19-2017

October 19, 2017
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Colleen Giffin (Staff), Janet McEwen (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member),
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio), Lynne Rosansky (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member)

Members Absent: Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Bob Holmes (Member)
Public Present: John Robertson, John Anderson, Ray Ledgerwood, Chris Healey, Leslie Belliveau
7:00 PM  Public Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Approve October 5,
Ms. McEwen moved to accept the meeting minutes of October 5, 2017. Mr. Edwards seconded.
Motion:   Mr. Edwards moved to accept the meeting minutes of October 5, 2017.  Ms. McEwen seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Antrim 2020 Action Groups
Mr. Robertson spoke first about the Business Development Group.
Need to identify where businesses can go into.
Need a trained workforce.
Need to keep the younger population in the area.
With the aging population, something needs to be done to bring businesses here.  Workforce housing is something that was discussed.
The Town of Antrim needs to be sold to businesses.
A Business Development Specialist was discussed as something that Antrim may want to look into at a future date.
(Business development specialists are responsible for creating effective~business~plans for their company or Town.
They are also in charge of analyzing~business~processes and identifying opportunities to generate additional revenue.)
Mr. Ledgerwood spoke next and as the liaison between the Antrim Planning Board and the South West Regional Planning Commission.
He asked the SWRPC Community Development specialist Rebeckah Bullock, how Antrim could gain from businesses opening
along our town borders. She told him he should talk to Sara Carbonneau is head of the Planning Department in Swanzey.  
 Ms. Carbonneau told a story about how Market Basket was originally going to be built in Keene and why it eventually it
ended up in Swanzey, NH, which Mr. Ledgerwood related to the Board and public. The importance of having someone
available to answer questions for any businesses that are interested in coming to Antrim.  
Mr. Edwards asked how much buildable land is along Rt. 202. This was a question that Chair Condon could not answer,
but he did explain how the Board had looked into expanding Economic Revitalization Zone in town, but explained why that was not possible.
Mr. Anderson discussed the Incubator Class last spring.  The class lasted six weeks and had about a dozen participants.
 He and the Rosansky’s felt the class was a success. Another class is in the works for this year.         
Incubator space was discussed, a shared workspace. This could include people who have small businesses here in town.
Not only could they have a physical space, but also classes to help business owners improve and grow their businesses.
The Board and the Antrim 2020 Action groups agreed that a single town may not be able to draw in businesses,
but if several small towns combine and share resources such as affordable work force housing to
go along with any new businesses being built in nearby towns. Chair Condon asked if Mr. Ledgerwood if he could ask
Ms. Carbonneau if she could find a Business development specialists to come and talk to the Board.
Other action groups were discussed, but it is not known if anything was done with them.
Ms. Giffin asked about House Bill 316. This bill states:
Relative to a statewide property tax exemption for commercial and industrial construction.
This is something Mr. Anderson will look into.

Masterplan Updated Survey
Chair Condon discussed the revision on the brochure. A new order of the questions and several corrections were made.
The Board agreed the brochure was ready to go.
2018 Budget Review
Chair Condon asked Ms. Giffin to explain the budget. Ms. Giffin pointed out the sections that she cut money from and explained
why she did this. She also pointed out that there were several other accounts within the budget that money could be moved from
if the need arose. Ms. Giffin explained she was asking for extra hours to take on the Asset Management program for the
town that will be utilizing her new acquired skills from the GIS classes she has been taking.
Motion:   Ms. Rosansky made motion to accept the Budget proposal as presented. Mr. MacDonald seconded
Motion:   Ms. Rosansky made motion to accept the Budget as presented. Mr. MacDonald seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Mr. Edwards on the Capital Improvement Plan Committee
Mr. Edwards explained that the reasons the Capital Improvement Committee wanted to talk with the Department heads
was to help them with any questions they might have on the CIP worksheets. Ms. Giffin stated that next year
before the worksheets were handed out she and Ms. Ogilvie were going to hold a class for any
Department Heads on how to fill out the worksheets and to answer any questions any of them might have.
Ms. Ogilvie stated that she was finished with several of the worksheets that will be used for each different department next year.

Motion:   Mr. MacDonald  made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.  
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting adjourned   8:35 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Staff