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Planning Board Mins. 10-05-2017

October 5, 2017
Regular Hearing

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Chris Condon (Chair), Colleen Giffin (Staff),
Bob Holmes (Member), Janet McEwen (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio)

Members Absent: Lynne Rosansky (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member)
7:00 PM  Public Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7 pm .
Approve September 21, 2017   Meeting Minutes
 Motion: Mr. Holmes  moved to accept the meeting
minutes of September 21, 2017 . Mr. Edwards seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Go Over Capital Improvement Program Packets
Chair Condon asked Mr. Holmes, Planning Board member and
Capital Improvement Program member, to update the Board on
what the CIP is doing. Mr. Holmes explained that the CIP
committee had decided that they needed more information
presented differently and more detailed. They will be setting
up meetings with two of the department heads to discuss their
proposals. He explained that they are working towards  a computer
 program that will allow the town to pull up all of the detailed information
 about each of the departments assets that they lack now,
but that is in the future. Chair Condon asked about the asset
management worksheet that Ms. Ogilvie is working on for the town.
Mr. Edwards stated that the all the town’s departments will benefit
from as asset management program and that Ms. Giffin will be able to help with
that with the classes she has been attending about the GIS mapping.
The Chair asked to table the CIP discussion until the Committee had more information to share with the Board.

Drafts of Zoning Ordinances
  • L.      Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Equipment: Trailers as defined
  • within the terms of this Zoning Ordinance and including travel trailers,
  • pickup campers or coaches, motorized homes, boat trailers and other recreational equipment may be parked or stored subject to the following requirements:
1.      Major recreational equipment as defined for purposes of these regulations, includes travel trailers,

pickup campers or coaches, motorized dwellings, tent trailers, boats and boat trailers and the like, and cases or boxes used for  transporting recreational equipment whether occupied by such equipment or not.

2.      Occupancy: No such units shall be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes except under the following conditions:

Travel trailers, pickup campers or coaches, motorized dwellings and tent trailers may be temporarily

parked and occupied for sleeping and living purposes in areas other than designated recreation vehicle parks or campgrounds but only in accordance with the following provisions:

  • The temporary parking and occupancy shall not exceed twenty—one (21) days. In one calendar year whether consecutive or intermittent.
This is to clarify the exact time period. The Board discussed if/how the days should split

The Board discussed the time period. Mr. Edwards wants to
make sure that the RV will have suitable facilities that are
safe and suitable as well as the reasonable time frame. Suggestion made by the Board were:
 Getting a special exception for a longer stay.
The ordinance will have to be complaint driven.
The Board would like more information before making any decisions.

  • JUNK YARD: An establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated, or used for storing, keeping, buying or selling junk or automobile parts. For the purpose of
I.      Junk Yards: All junk yards, automobile graveyards, etc. as defined in this
Ordinance and established after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall comply with provisions
of RSA 236 sections 90 111-129 as amended. They shall also comply with the following provisions and other applicable Town or State regulations.
Where there is a conflict between regulations, the more restrictive regulation(s) shall apply.
Motor Vehicle Recycling Yards and Junk Yards
~~~~236:112 Definitions. –~For the purposes of this subdivision:~
~~~ I. "Junk yard'' means a place used for storing and keeping, or storing and selling, trading, or otherwise transferring old or scrap copper, brass, rope,
rags, batteries, paper, trash, rubber debris, waste, or junked, dismantled, or wrecked motor vehicles, or parts thereof, iron, steel, or other old or scrap
ferrous or nonferrous material. As used in this subdivision, the term includes, but is not limited to, the following types of junk yards:~
~~~~~~ (a) Automotive recycling yards, meaning a motor vehicle junk yard, as identified in subparagraph (c), the primary purpose of which is to
salvage multiple motor vehicle parts and materials for recycling or reuse;~
~~~~~~ (b) Machinery junk yards, as defined in paragraph III; and~
~~~~~~ (c) Motor vehicle junk yards, meaning any place, not including the principal place of business of any motor vehicle
dealer registered with the director of motor vehicles under RSA 261:104 and controlled under RSA 236:126, where the following are stored or deposited in a quantity equal in bulk to 2 or more motor vehicles:~
~~~~~~~~~ (1) Motor vehicles which are no longer intended or in condition for legal use according to their original purpose
including motor vehicles purchased for the purpose of dismantling the vehicles for parts or for use of the metal for scrap; and/or~
~~~~~~~~~ (2) Used parts of motor vehicles or old iron, metal, glass, paper, cordage, or other waste or discarded or secondhand material which has been a part, or intended to be a part, of any motor vehicle.~
~~~ II. "Local governing body'' means the mayor and board of aldermen or the council of a city, the selectmen of a town, or the commissioners of a village district.~
~~~ III. "Machinery junk yard'' means any yard or field used as a place of storage in which there is displayed to the public view, junk machinery or scrap metal that occupies an area of 500 square feet.~
~~~ IV. "Motor vehicle'' means "motor vehicle'' as defined by RSA 259:60, I, namely, any self-propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon stationary tracks, including ski area vehicles.~
~~~ V. "Motor vehicle dealer.''~
~~~~~~ (a) "New motor vehicle dealer'' means every person principally engaged in the business of buying, selling or
exchanging new and secondhand motor vehicles, or tractors on commission or otherwise who maintains in operating
condition, and in operation, and at which the dealer does a major portion of his business a place of business capable of
housing indoors in one building in an area of 1200 square feet, 5 average-sized automobiles, devoted to the motor vehicle,
or tractor business and gives mechanical service on the same and who holds a written contract with a manufacturer
giving such person selling rights for new motor vehicles, or tractors, or with a distributor of such vehicles who,
as such distributor, holds a manufacturer's franchise or contract giving selling rights on new motor vehicles, or tractors.~
~~~~~~ (b) "Used motor vehicle dealer'' means every person or firm principally engaged in the business of buying,
selling and exchanging secondhand motor vehicles or tractors, who maintains in operating condition and
in operation and at which the dealer does the major portion of his business a place of business capable of
housing indoors in one building, in an area of at least 1200 square feet, 5 average-sized motor vehicles
devoted to the used motor vehicles, or tractor business, and gives mechanical service on the same and at
which the repair of used motor vehicles, or tractors is subordinate or incidental to the business of buying,
selling and exchanging the same.~
~~~~~~ (c) "Junk motor vehicle dealer'' means any person or firm who has an established place of business at
which he is engaged in the business of buying secondhand motor vehicles for the purpose of taking the same apart, or buying, and selling parts of secondhand motor vehicles, or tires, for the assembling of secondhand motor vehicle parts.
Source.~1939, 50:1. RL 165:22. RSA 267:1(b); 267-A:2. 1955, 275:1, par. 22. 1965, 372:1. 1967, 372:2. 1981, 87:1. 1985, 103:7. 2002, 27:3, 4, eff. July 1, 2002.

Motor Vehicle Recycling Yards and Junk Yards
~~~~236:118 Location Requirements. –~
~~~ I. At the time and place set for hearing, the local governing body shall hear the applicant and
all other persons wishing to be heard on the application for certificate of approval for the location of the junk yard or automotive
recycling yard. In passing upon the application, after proof of legal ownership or right to the use of the property by the applicant
for the license period, it shall take into account the nature and development of surrounding property, such as the proximity of churches, schools, hospitals, public buildings or other places of public gatherings; and whether or
not the use of that proposed location can be reasonably prevented from affecting the public health, safety, or morals by reason of offensive or unhealthy odors or smoke, or of other causes.~
~~~ II. In no case may a license be granted for a new junk yard or automotive recycling yard located less than 1,000 feet from the right-of-way lines of an interstate highway.~
~~~ III. Unless a lesser setback is allowed by local zoning ordinance, or an ordinance adopted pursuant to paragraph IV, in no case may a license be granted for a new junk yard or automotive recycling yard located:~
~~~~~~ (a) Less than 660 feet from the right-of-way lines of a non-interstate class I, class II, class III, or class III-a highway; or~
~~~~~~ (b) Less than 300 feet from the right-of-way lines of class IV, class V, and class VI highways.~
~~~ IV. In a municipality that has not enacted a zoning ordinance, the local governing body may adopt an ordinance establishing
lesser setback requirements than those established in paragraph III.Source.~RSA 267-A:7. 1965, 372:1. 1981, 87:1. 1985, 103:11. 1992, 265:182; 265:21. 2008, 164:7, eff. Aug. 5, 2008. 2012, 108:1, eff. July 28, 2012.

1.      Locational requirements for the aforementioned facilities shall comply with the requirements
of RSA 236:96 and RSA 236:118 as amended and other applicable setback requirements for the district in which the facility is located.

2.      No material shall be placed in any establishment in such a manner that is
capable of being transferred off the premises by wind, water or other natural causes.

3.      No material shall be placed or stored within the required front, side, or rear
yard setback area. All yard setback areas shall at all times be clean, vacant and well maintained. All unpaved yard setback areas shall be covered with grass or similar vegetative material.

4.      All paper, cloth, rags and other fibers, and activities involving the same, other than loading and unloading, shall be within fully enclosed buildings.

5.      No oil, grease, tires, gasoline or other similar material shall be burned at any time, and all other burning shall be attended and controlled at all times.

6.      All junk yards shall be maintained in such a manner as to not create a public or
private nuisance, nor cause any offensive or noxious sounds or odors, nor cause the breeding or harboring of rats, flies or other vectors.

7.      The establishment shall at all times be maintained in such as manner as to prevent
(1) any menace to public health and safety, (2) offensive or obnoxious odors,
(3) the breeding, harboring or infecting of rats and other rodents and vermin, and (4) violation of any health or sanitary law, ordinance or regulation of the Town of Antrim or the State of New Hampshire.

8.      No burning shall be permitted on the premises except in suitable containers.
Fire hazards shall be minimized by the segregation of combustible from noncombustible materials and the provision of adequate aisles for access for firefighting equipment.

9.      The storage of material shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height.

10.     The manner of storage and arrangement of junk and the drainage facilities of the premises shall be such as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water.

11.     Every structure erected upon the lot after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be of fireproof construction.

Revised Ordinance
  • JUNK YARD: An establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated, or used for storing, keeping  buying or selling junk or automobile parts. For the purpose of this Ordinance, Junk yard shall mean all of the uses as defined in RSA 236:112.

     To amend Article III – Definitions for Junk Yards, as follows:
JUNK YARD: An establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated, or used for storing, keeping, buying or selling junk or automobile parts. For the purpose of this Ordinance, Junk Yard shall mean all of the uses as defined in RSA 236:112.
     To eliminate the special exception requirement for junk yards and automobile graveyards as set forth in Article XIII, D. 5.
     To amend Article V, B. 1. By including Junk Yards as a permitted use in the Highway Business District.
     To amend Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations, Paragraph I as follows:
I.      Junk Yards: All junk yards, automobile graveyards, etc. as defined in this Ordinance and established
after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall comply with provisions of RSA 236 sections 90 111-129 as amended.
They shall also comply with the following provisions and other applicable Town or State regulations. Where there is a conflict between regulations, the more restrictive regulation(s) shall apply.
1.      Locational requirements for the aforementioned facilities shall comply with the requirements of RSA 236:118 as amended and other applicable setback requirements for the district in which the facility is located.
2.      No material shall be placed in any establishment in such a manner that is capable of being transferred off the premises by wind, water or other natural causes.
3.      No material shall be placed or stored within the required front, side, or rear yard setback area. All yard setback areas shall at all times be clean, vacant and well maintained.
All unpaved yard setback areas shall be covered with grass or similar vegetative material.
4.      All paper, cloth, rags and other fibers, and activities involving the same, other than loading and unloading, shall be within fully enclosed buildings.
5.      No oil, grease, tires, gasoline or other similar material shall be burned at any time, and all other burning shall be attended and controlled at all times.
6.      No burning shall be permitted on the premises except in suitable containers. Fire hazards shall be minimized by the segregation of combustible from noncombustible materials and the provision of adequate aisles for access for firefighting equipment.
6.      All junk yards shall be maintained in such a manner as to not create a public or private nuisance, nor cause any offensive or noxious sounds or odors, nor cause the breeding or harboring of rats, flies or other vectors.

7.      The establishment shall at all times be maintained in such as manner as to prevent (1) any public or private nuisance, (2) any menace to public health and safety,
(3) offensive or obnoxious sounds or odors, (4) the breeding, harboring or infecting of rats and other rodents and vermin, and (5) violation of any health or sanitary law, ordinance or regulation of the Town of Antrim or the State of New Hampshire.
8.      The storage of material shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height.
9.      The manner of storage and arrangement of junk and the drainage facilities of the premises shall be such as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water.
10.     Every structure erected upon the lot after the effective date of this Ordinance shall be of fireproof construction

Discussion about defining junkyards and junkie yards. How to police these yards.  The state definition was critically studied. Chair Condon
expressed his belief that the town already has an ordinance in place for junkie yards and since the town had no junkyards at this time,
this revised ordinance was a moot point and the Board had other ordinances that needed revising. Mr. Edwards questioned
Ms. Ogilvie about the current Town Ordinance to affirm that it would cover the town in case anyone wanted to open a new junk yard. Ms. Ogilvie stated yes with the state definition in place.

Motion: Vice Chair Cahoon made a motion to keep the Zoning Ordinance the way it stands now. Mr. Edwards seconded
Mr. Edwards will bring back the discussion and decision the Board made.
Roll call vote: Mr. Edwards yes, Mr. Holmes yes, Ms. Cahoon yes, Ms. McEwen yes.
Motion passed to leave the ordinance the way it is and to depend on the Town Ordinance.

Zoning Ordinances Change requests by the Building Inspector- Dario Carrara and Ms. Ogilvie Response.
The Antrim Building inspector made several suggestions to changes in Fence Height and Setback ordinances
for the Board to consider. A study will be done to determine how many homes in town may have no room to expand due to set- back limitations.
After a short discussion on each of these changes, the Board decided to keep the ordinances as they are now.

Bob Edward’s report on “Housing in NH and Related Concerns
This workshop was to bring attention to the lack of workforce housing in the state. The employers
 who are looking to retain or add to their workforce are complaining about the lack of affordable housing
for their workers. Towns need to look into Bonus Density Incentives, to allow companies to have tax breaks for workforce housing based on the company’s profit.
Tiny houses were discussed as well concerning both empty nesters and young couples and newly graduated college students.

Further discussion of the demographic survey
Discussion about the questions and the removal of questions.  There was an idea of putting a question about where the residents live.
These questions will be revisited when everyone on the Board can give their input.

Antrim 2020 Action Groups
Ms. Giffin reported that she has not heard from anyone concerning their attendance to the next Board meeting.

Mr. Edwards reported on his sitting in on the discussion of House Bill 324.  

AN ACT relative to the valuation of utility property.
SPONSORS: Rep. Abrami, Rock. 19; Rep. Vose, Rock. 9; Rep. Azarian, Rock. 8; Rep. Lovejoy, Rock. 36; Rep. D. Thomas, Rock. 5; Sen. Carson, Dist 14; Sen. Birdsell, Dist 19; Sen. D'Allesandro, Dist 20
COMMITTEE: Science, Technology and Energy
This bill provides for the value of utility property for purposes of local property taxation to be determined by the commissioner of revenue administration under the state utility property tax, RSA 83-F.-
The property assessing would be done by the DRA, which could raise or lower the property assessments throughout the state.
The assessment committee is trying to come up with a uniform and fair assessment standard that would benefit the towns and the utilities.

Ms. Giffin reported to the Board she was nearly done with the Planning budget and would have it ready for them at the next meeting.

Motion: Ms. Cahoon made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.                  
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting adjourned   8:13 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Staff