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Planning Board Minutes 9-21-2017
September 21, 2017
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Bob Holmes, Lynne Rosansky, Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio), and Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner).
Members Absent:  Jeanne Cahoon, Steve MacDonald and Janet McEwen.
Public Attendees:  None.

CTO:  Chair Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
I.      Minutes
  • Minutes of September 7, 2017.
Motion:   Mr. Edwards made a motion to approve the minutes
of September 7, 2017. Ms. Rosansky seconded the motion.
Discussion. Mr. Edwards questioned whether the copies the
Board has now on recycled paper were the official minutes.  
Chair Condon explained that they will be reprinted after the vote.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

II.     Zoning Amendments Review
Chair Condon asked Ms. Ogilvie to review for the Board the
draft amendments she had submitted.  
She explained that she had prepared draft language for two zoning amendments:  one for junk yards; and one for Recreational Vehicles, as follows:
A.      Junk Yards.  The Zoning Ordinance has two provisions for Junk Yards and the Select Board has a
Discarded Materials Ordinance that deals with many of the same issues.  Article XIII of the Zoning Ordinance
identifies junk yards as being allowed by Special Exception, with a reference to Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations,
which contains specific standards for junk yards.  However, nowhere in the Zoning Ordinance does it say where in
Town junk yards are allowed.  Ms. Ogilvie noted that what direction the Board would take depends largely
on the nature of the problem they are intending to address – is it junk yards, or just junk-y yards?
        The Board discussed the two ordinances and the differences between them.
 It was noted that, as far as anyone knows, there are no officially licensed junk yards in town.
 Given that, Ms. Ogilvie stated that if there was not a concern about existing junk yards,
the Select Board’s ordinance addresses the issue of junky yards; and that they are not
obligated to allow junk yards as a use.  Following some discussion, Chair Condon asked
Ms. Ogilvie to draft an amendment that would allow junk yards only in the Highway Business District; this will reviewed and discussed at the next Board meeting.
B.      Recreational Vehicles.  The existing zoning provision states that “…temporary parking and occupancy shall not exceed 21 days.”
 There has been a question as to the time period for those 21 days, so Ms. Ogilvie has suggested adding the phrase “in one calendar year.”

III.    Master Plan Survey Review
The Board reviewed a flyer prepared by Ms. Giffin to be used as a survey form for master plan questions.
 Mr. Edwards asked if there was enough information on the survey to draw adequate conclusions.  Chair Condon replied that with other data, he believed so.
Chair Condon asked the Board if they were happy with the flyer, and offered to work on the design.
Mr. Edwards wondered how they would know if there is a need for affordable housing in town.
 Ms. Rosansky replied that the Census can provide that information.
 Not only that, but it is known that New Hampshire has a rapidly aging population, many of whom cannot stay in their
homes and yet cannot find other suitable housing.
Mr. Edwards offered to explore options for senior and/or affordable housing with Southwestern Community Services.
 In addition, he wondered if establishing a Tax Increment Finance District (TIF) in the Downtown area could help with housing.
 Chair Condon felt it was worth pursing because having more people living in the downtown is positive.
 Mr. Holmes agreed that Antrim needs senior housing and that the downtown is a perfect location.
Mr. Holmes suggested adding a question to the survey as follows:  “Would you like to or plan to retire in Antrim?”

IV.     Other Business

Motion:   Ms. Rosansky made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.
Discussion.  None.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned:    7:43 PM

Respectfully Submitted By,
Carol Ogilvie