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Planning Board Minutes 8-17-2017
August 17, 2017
Regular Hearing

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Colleen Giffin (Staff), Bob Holmes (Member),
Steve MacDonald (Member), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), Lynne Rosansky (Member),  Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio)

Members Absent: Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Janet McEwen (Member),
7:00 PM  Public Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7
Approve August 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Mr. Edwards moved to accept the meeting minutes of August 3. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Mr. Edwards requested that the motions from the August 3, minutes reflect the conditions
from the notice of decision, that the language should be corrected concerning if the
application is accepted or approved and that there be more details from the
discussion about the owner of a property and an agent of a property and who has the right to sign the building permits, site plans, etc..
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.
Minutes were accepted as amended.

Go over Notice of Decision for Monadnock Medical center
As were discussed in the amending of the August 3, 2017 minutes.
Ms. Ogilvie has finished the Notice Of Decision and Ms. Giffin reported that
she had spoken with Mr. Miller, Supervisor of the Water and Sewer department
and he confirmed that he had spoken with Timothy Goldthwaite from Meridian
and there was going to be no changes in the water and sewer to the new medical building,
so he did not fill anything out at the time. At Ms. Giffin’s request Mr. Miller agreed to file a
written approval from the Antrim sewer and water department that he will get in as soon as he has time to get it written.

Review Board Goals for the Masterplan for the end of 2017
A collection of hard data and what people are looking  needs to be done before of the
Masterplan can be written. Some ways to get the survey will be through the town website,
the Limrik, a mail out. Ms. Giffin suggested that each member write a survey question that
is the most relevant to what the residents of Antrim need or want for their community today
that could help the Board with forming the Masterplan.
Chair Condon would like to have the questions looked at, at the next meeting and decide which
questions would be relevant. A discussion ensued about how the survey could go out to the public.

Major/ Minor Check list (Revised 2017)
Ms. Ogilvie explained that she removed the section involving the Mylar sent to the Register of Deeds.
Ms. Giffin explained that she separated the Major and Minor site plans the minor will now only have four pages the major plan will stay the same.
Mr. Holmes asked if these changes needed to be voted on, Ms. Ogilvie stated that these were just changes in forms, not procedure and no vote was needed.
Ms. Giffin brought to the attention of the Board that the checklist also required that the applicant provide
eight copies of plans and maps. Ms. Giffin requested the Board make a case-to-case decision to
determine if such a need would be required if the applicant could provide a certain number of hard
copy maps and send a digital copy by e-mail at least seven days in advance.  Ms. Ogilvie stated
that the applicant should be sending the plans over 21 days before the scheduled meeting available
when the Notice to the Public goes out in the paper and an electronic version would be far easier to
send out. Mr. Holmes and Mr. Edwards felt that there should be plans for everyone and that they should be available before the meeting for the board to look at or for the public to look at.

Discuss Hamilton Property
Ms. Hamilton had received a Granted status on her application for a lot line adjustment from the
Planning Board in December on 2015 and a Notice of Decision was written and signed by the
Chair Condon, however Ms. Hamilton never finished paying the engineering company that was
doing the surveying and  the documentation for her lot line adjustment. Therefore, the NOD or
the Mylar were never sent to the Registry and it was never recorded. Since that time
Ms. Hamilton has since sold the two pieces of land to a single person and has
presumably moved away. Ms. Hamilton sent a check to the Planning Department for
the Registry of Deeds that was never sent due to Ms. Hamilton’s non-payment to her
engineering company in Milford. The Board agreed that a letter should be written and
sent along with the check to the last known address of Ms. Hamilton and if the latter
should be returned, it would go unopened into her file. Her file shall be closed

Motion: Mr. Holmes moved to send the check to the last known address of
Ms. Hamilton. Ms. Rosansky seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.
Minutes were accepted as amended

Michelle Carter Lot Line Adjustment
Ms. Giffin explained that Ms. Carter had called and requested information about a
possible lot line adjustment for her property at 7 White Birch Point. At this time
her property line goes through her garage and she would like to buy a section of land from the town so that abuts her property so that her garage would sit whole on her property alone.
Ms. Giffin suggested that each of the Board members go and look at the property when they get a chance so they can see for themselves.
At this point, it is unknown what land Ms. Carter is interested in purchasing, but no one from the town has asked her to move this garage and she bought the property with the garage like this.
This Lot line adjustment will need more investigating and more information from Ms. Carter. This may need some input from the Selectmen as well.
Motion: Ms. Rosansky made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Meeting adjourned   8:04 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Sta

P. O. Box 517
Antrim, New Hampshire 03440
Case No. 2017-4PB
Map No:  102, Lot 67
Please be advised that at a duly-noticed public hearing on August 3, 2017 the Antrim Planning Board voted to
APPROVE the application of Monadnock Community Hospital for a Site Plan Review
to construct an addition onto its existing medical facility located on Elm Street.  
The Board finds that the applicant agrees to work with abutters to address potential impacts to neighboring property, including agreeing to the following conditions:
  • The applicant will have an infiltration trench installed along the eastern property line abutting the Caswell property.
  • The applicant will have a privacy hedge of at least four (4) feet installed along the edge of the lower parking lot on the east side of the property.
  • The applicant will submit written notification from the Antrim Water and Sewer Department that the existing utilities can accommodate the proposed expansion.
  • The plat will be revised to include the two additions noted above; in addition, a note regarding the approval of the Antrim Water and Sewer Department will be added to the plat.