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Planning Board Minutes 7-20-2017

July 20, 2017
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Colleen Giffin (Staff), Bob Holmes (Member),  
Steve MacDonald (Member), Janet McEwen (Member),
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), Lynne Rosansky (Member), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio)

Members Absent:  Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair)
Public Present: Victor Rosansky, Rick Davis, Annet ????, Scott Burnside

7:00 PM  Regular Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7 P.M.
Approve June 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes
 Mr. Holmes moved to accept the meeting minutes of June 15. Ms. Rosansky seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Conceptual Consultation Old Stone Church, Landsite
Mr. Burnside gave a brief description of what his company plans on doing to
the area around the Stone Church as well as explaining what the State of NH
Transportation department wants done to a culvert in front of the church to catch and control more of the rain runoff.
The wheel chair van access area was discussed and the board asked several
questions about what types of materials were going to be used on the surface
of the driveway for the wheel chairs.
Discussions ensued about types of grades and elevations surrounding the
church, the amount of fill that would be needed and if the client could use
hand drawn plans rather than have a professional engineer draw them up.
Involving an engineer could add several month onto the opening of the church
and Mr. Davis would like to have his official opening the weekend of Home and Harvest.
The Board is concerned about having the whole checklist filled out for a Major Site Plan
. Ms. Ogilvie said that she would go through the check list and identify what would
be necessary for Landsite to answer and what could be requested for a waiver.
The document could have notes written in and set-backs, grading and so on drawn in or explained.
A portable ramp was discussed.
The Board agreed a first-hand look at the property was needed and set up a site walk.
A site walk planned for Wednesday July 26 at 6:30 pm at the Stone Church.
Discussion ensued about what conditions could be set for the parking lot and what materials could be used.

Data collection ideas such as a survey. How would we get the survey out? In the Limrik? On the Website?

Grange Community Award
Award given to the Antrim 2020 group for Community Service.     
Future Endeavors/ Best Practices
Storm water run-offs, this will eventually have to be part of a site plan/ sub-division
applications for municipality.
Permits for moving fill from site to site, will this come to Antrim? Should the Planning
Board be proactive in addressing these problems now? The current check list does
include storm water and drainage checks.
Ms. McEwen asked if the DES ever had workshops to educate the public about topics
like this. Mr. Edwards let the Board know that someone from the DES would come out
to talk to the Board directly about some of the Best Practice ideas.
Chair Condon suggested that the Board could contact the SWRPC through our town’s
liaison, Mr. Ray Ledgerwood, to see if they had anything, they could educate the Board about these practices as well.

Question from a resident?
How long can someone live in an RV parked in my driveway hooked up to the electricity in my house?
                Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Equipment: Trailers as defined within the terms
of this Zoning Ordinance and including travel trailers, pickup campers or coaches,
motorized homes, boat trailers and other recreational equipment may be parked or stored subject to the following requirements:


1.      Major recreational equipment as defined for purposes of these regulations,
includes travel trailers, pickup campers or coaches, motorized dwellings, tent trailers,
boats and boat trailers and the like, and cases or boxes used for  transporting recreational equipment whether occupied by such equipment or not.

2.      Occupancy: No such units shall be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes except under the following conditions:

Travel trailers, pickup campers or coaches, motorized dwellings and
tent trailers may be temporarily parked and occupied for sleeping and living
purposes in areas other than designated recreation vehicle parks or campgrounds but only in accordance with the following provisions:

a.      The temporary parking and occupancy shall not exceed twenty— one (21) days.
Ms. Ogilvie stated that she read it as; it can only be lived in for 21 days all together for the whole year, period.
This is something the Board will work on for the ballot.

There was a discussion about the enforcement of different Town Ordnances.

Ms. McEwen made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned    PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Planning