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Planning Board Mins 5-4-2017
                                        MEETING MINUTES
                                            May 4, 2017
                                      Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair), Jeanne Cahoon(Vice-Chair) ,
Colleen Giffin (Staff), Bob Holmes   (Member),
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner ), Lynne Rosansky (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member)
Members Absent:  Janet McEwen (Member), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio),
Public Attendees: Peter Mellen, Andrew Guislin, Charles Wade
7:00PM  Public Meeting:

Please be advised that on Thursday, May 4, 2017 at its regular meeting beginning
at 7:00 P.M. the Planning Board will vote whether to accept as complete an
application for a Lot Line Adjustment for two parcels located at 332 & 348 Elm Avenue,
Tax Map 214, Lots 20 and 18 on property owned by Andrew Guislin and Charles Wade
in the Rural District.  Should the Board find that the application is complete, the Board
will move immediately into public hearing on the merits of the proposal.  
Should a decision not be made at this time, this application will stay on
the Board’s agenda until it is either approved or disapproved.

At 7 p.m., Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.
Chair Condon asked the Ms. Giffin to read the Public Notice.  Chair Condon asked
if the hearing was advertised and it was in The Villager, on the inside and outside
Town Hall bulletin boards, at the Antrim post office and on the town website.
Asked if the abutters, were notified and if they made any comments.
Abutters were notified and had no comments.
Ms. Ogilvie reported the application was sufficiently complete for acceptance.
There was a line-by-line review, starting at line 16, of the checklist.
A waiver was requested from the applicant’s for line 16, since no new building lots are being created.

Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to accept the application as complete with the waiver, Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Public Hearing
Chair Condon asked the applicant to present the application
Mr. Mellen presented a simple lot line adjustment between properties 214-020 and 214-018.

Questions from the Board
Mr. Holmes asked about acreage.
There were no abutters present.

Chair Condon then closed the public meeting.

Motion:  Mr. MacDonald made a motion to approve the application.  Ms. Cahoon seconded.

Chris Condon
Jeanne Cahoon
Bob Holmes
Lynne Rosansky
Steve MacDonald

All in favor, the application was approved.

Business Meeting
Approve April 20, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the meeting minutes of April 20. Mr. MacDonald       seconded.

Excavation write-up from Carol Ogilvie

Ms. Ogilvie reported that there were three active pits here in town. All of their permits through the town were had not expired.
SR Jones and Zeke & Mac- expiration 2019
Landsite- expiration 2020
The Landsite and Zeke & Macs also receive permits from DES, these will be expiring within the next two years.
Chair Condon suggested waiting for DES to send out their paperwork about upcoming permits expiring
and when those came before the Board then the Board could revisit the idea of a site visit.
Motion: Mr. MacDonald made the motion to wait on the AOT permit renewal documents before making
any decisions about bringing in the Excavation pit owners. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed
Holmes & Rosansky Vision Statement
The Board read over the Vision statement re-written by the sub-committee Mr. Homes and Ms. Rosansky.
After some minor comment and wordsmithing, the Board agreed on the new re-written Vision statement.
The committee will add the changes and present it to the Board at the next meeting.

OEP Conference notes
Ms. Cahoon and Ms. Rosansky attended this year’s Office of Energy and Planning meeting.
Ms. Cahoon shared what she had learned about the aging demographics of NH population.
Ms. Rosansky told the Board about the interesting workshop on NH’s dams.
She also expresses surprise about how interesting the legal changes workshop was.
Discussion ensued about how this information will influence Antrim.

Chair Condon reported to the Board that May 2 meeting with the ZBA and the Planning Board went smoothly.
This meeting was held as a courtesy for all concerned parties to extend the ZBA variance and the
Planning Boards building timetable by 18 month. The time the appeals case was in court.
CIP was discussed and Chair Condon suggested that he would write an e-mail to the Selectmen
inquiring when they would like to approve two non-planning board members to the CIP. The Board also chose May 25, 2017 at 7 pm. to have its first CIP meeting.

Other Business
Mr. Holmes asked Ms. Ogilvie if she had done any research on protecting existing stonewalls.
Ms. Ogilvie stated she had looked into it somewhat, but could not find and laws concerning
the removal or destruction of old stonewalls or rock foundations by a land owner. She said she would keep looking.

Motion:   Ms. Cahoon made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Rosansky  seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned    8:45 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, Planning