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Planning Board Mins 1-19-2017

January 19, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Chris Condon (Chair), Michael Frosch (Member),         
  Colleen Giffin (Staff), Bob Holmes   (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member), Janet McEwen (Member),
John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Lynne Rosansky (Alternate)
Members Absent:  Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner )
Guest Speakers: J.B. Mack & Henry Underwood (Both from South
West Regional Planning Commission), V. Rosansky
7:00 PM Regular Meeting: Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Approve January 5 Meeting Minutes
Ms. McEwen moved to accept the meeting minutes of January 5.
Ms. Cahoon seconded.  Ms. McEwen moved to accept the amended minutes. Ms. Cahoon seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed to accept the amended minutes.

7:15 PM Public Meeting
Chair Condon read Ms. Voelcker resignation letter to the Board.
He wanted it noted that The Board appreciated all she has done
over the years and wishes her the best in all her future endeavors.  

Southwest Regional Planning Commission
Mr. Mack and Mr. Underwood  from Southwest Regional Planning Commission
came to explain what parts of Antrim’s Highway Business Area could be considered buildable and those parcels and sections that would not be.

Mr. Underwood brought several different types of maps for the Board to look at to understand development constraints along rt. 202 highway.
  • Conservation land
  • Special flood hazard area based on the hundred year flood plan from FEMA
  • Bedrock
  • Animal Habitat
  • Steep Slopes
  • Water Resources: national wetlands inventory, surface water, river & streams, aquafers.
  • Soil surveys

Questions and Discussion ensued.
J.B. Mack will be coming before the Antrim Selectmen on January 30, 2017 to discuss
what the Regional Transportation Advisory would like to do with Antrim’s section of the Rt. 9 corridor.
The Advisory Board would like a joint letter from the Planning Board as well as the
Select board Boards from Antrim, Stoddard, Nelson and other towns along the Rte. 9 Corridor to either allow
the SWRPC to purchase access rights or to guarantee a restricted planning development.
This is help decrease distracted driving. The state has invested in several projects along rte. 9 to ensure the east/west corridor stays an easy and safe drive.

Antrim 2020 & The Masterplan
  • There was a discussion about what the residents wanted to see done in town coming from the 2020 Profile.
  • The Board would like to delegate some of the chapters to the towns other Boards and Committees, such as the Conservation Committee and the Parks and Rec. Commission.
  • The Board would like to make the Master Plan more user friendly, by whittling down some of the information to just the most important points to the town.
  • The Board members decided that they would go through the 2010 Masterplan and the Antrim 2020 Profile
  • and find items that could be incorporated from the profile to the Master Plan. This will be done at the February 16th meeting.
  • It was agreed that the only piece of the Master Plan that really can be disposed of is the Earth Excavation Sites chapter and that the infrastructure of the town needs to addressed.
  • All other chapters need to be looked at.
  • SWRPC Newsletter
Ms. McEwen pointed out an article about 2017-2018 Municipal Technical Assistance Grant Program
that the Board might be interested in. After perusing the article about the information session about the
grant program, several members of the Board expressed interest in going to the session to learn more
about what our Board can do to expand housing opportunities in our community.
Motion:  made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned    8:30 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board