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Planning Board Minutes 12/15/2016
December 15, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Chris Condon (Chair), Colleen Giffin (Staff),  Bob Holmes   (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member),
Janet McEwen (Member),    Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), Lynne Rosansky (Alternate)
Members Absent:  Elsa Voelcker (Alternate) John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Michael Frosch (Member),          
Public Present: Kevin Fadden, Kevin  Delaney, John Giffin, Ron Haggett, Ray Ledgerwood
7:00 PM Regular Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. He asked Lynne Rosansky to sit in for the absent Mike Frosch.
Chair Condon stated the Case and its history, and introduced the Board, he asked Secretary Giffin to read the Notice of Compliance.
Please be advised that the Planning Board will meet with representatives of Industrial Tower and Wireless, LLC (ITW) at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, December 15, 2016.  
The purpose of this meeting is for the Board to determine the applicant’s compliance with Condition #7 of the approval granted to ITW on September 17, 2015 to
construct a wireless telecommunications facility at 115 Pierce Lake Road.  This determination is administrative in nature and therefore does not require further public hearings on the matter.
Case No. 2015-03PB
Map No:  206, Lots 87.1 – 87.4
Please be advised that at a duly-noticed public meeting on September 17, 2015, following several public hearings, the Antrim Planning Board voted to APPROVE the application
of Industrial Tower and Wireless, LLC for a Major Site Plan Review to construct a 150-foot wireless telecommunications facility on property owned by Andrew & Bess Robblee,
located at 115 Pierce Lake Road (Map 206, Lots 87.1 – 87.4) in the Rural District.  This approval is subject to the following conditions:
  • Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant will have submitted easement agreements for the access road and the fall zone, as reviewed and approved by Town Counsel.

Mr. Delaney from Industrial Tower and Wireless explained what it is the ITW wants. They have come before the Board to discuss condition # 7 in the notice of decision.
This concerned the fall zone and the utility easement. These items needed to be approved by ITW, the landowners, ITW attorneys and Antrim town council.
They only need to have the Planning Boards approval to go ahead and start preparing to build the tower.
Town council brought forward a concern about the permanent easement; they felt that it should have a time limit of 98 years, giving an actual limit on the easement length.
Town council proposed changes to the  
  • 1. Grants of Easement, section c Vegetative Buffer and Fall Zone.
  • 8. Term. This agreement and easements provided for herein shall run with the land and shall continue in the full force and effect for a period
  • of ninety-eight (98) years form the of _________, provided however that this Easement shall end earlier upon the recording of a Notice of Termination
  • of Lease signed by the Grantee and duly recorded with the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.
Chair Condon closed the Public meeting.
The Board discussed the revisions. Chair Condon reminded the Board that Town Council has already approved these changes.

Motion: Mr. Holmes made the motion to accept the changes to the Grants of Easement as revised by town council
to satisfy condition 7 in the Notice Of Decision . Ms. Rosansky seconded.
Roll call vote: Rosansky yes, McEwen yes, Condon yes, Cahoon yes, MacDonald yes, Holmes yes.
Motion passed.

Motion: Ms. McEwen made a motion to accept town councils revision to the Term of the Easement of 98 years. Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Roll call vote: Rosansky yes, McEwen yes, Condon yes, Cahoon yes, MacDonald yes, Holmes yes.
Motion passed.
Chair Condon asked Ms. Ogilvie to draft up a Notice of Decision.

Zoning Ordinances
Pursuant to RSA 675:3 and 675:7, Notice is hereby given that the Antrim Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing
on Thursday, December 15, 2016 at its regular meeting beginning at 7:00 PM at the Antrim Town Hall on three proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, as follows:

Amendment #1:  To amend the provisions for Home Occupations and Home-Based Businesses by combining them into one section,
the purpose of which is to increase opportunities for residents to work from home, and eliminating the requirement to apply for a permit to operate a home-based business.

Amendment #2:  To revise the definition of and provisions for Accessory Apartments to bring them into compliance with recent state
legislation, and to change the process for approval from a special exception to a conditional use permit.

Amendment #3:   To add a new Paragraph Y to Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations, that allows for the establishment
of alternative energy systems to either provide on-site power to a residential use or on- or off-site power to a non-residential use.

Ms. Ogilvie explained the changes in the ordinances. This covered the changes made by the Planning Board as well as State changes.
Chair Condon asked the members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment if they had anything to add. Mr. Haggett said
he was fine with the changes, he did ask if these changes had anything to do with the Antrim 2020 group.
Chair Condon said that this was in the same spirit of what the Antrim 2020 group wanted to do for business opportunities, but they were not connected with these changes.
Mr. Giffin said he did not see anything that would have come to the ZBA anyways and had no concerns about the changes.
Discussion among the Board.
Mr. MacDonald was concerned about the wording in Article XIV-A home-Based Business, section C. criteria, part e.
  • The activity may be conducted entirely within the residence, an accessory building, or outdoors,
  • but all such activities, equipment, storage, and parking areas shall be permanently screened from the view of abutters and from public ways by plantings, fences, and/or topography.   
Mr. Holmes agreed with this section for the protection of the abutters.
Mr. Giffin suggested a word change. Change the word shall to every effort should be made to protect the abutters.
Discussion ensued.

Motion: Ms. McEwen made a motion to change the wording from shall be to should be. Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Ms. Ogilvie explained that the Planning Board will now be completely out of the process.
Ms. McEwen removed her motion, stating that if the residents did not feel that this ordinance was in their best interest they could vote it down.

Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to accept the all the ordinances as written. Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Roll call vote: Rosansky yes, McEwen yes, Condon yes, Cahoon yes, MacDonald yes, Holmes yes.
Motion passed.
Business Meeting

Approve December 1  Meeting Minutes
Mr. Holmes moved to accept the meeting minutes as amended of November 17.   Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Motion:  Mr. Holmes made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned   8: 45 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board