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Planning Board Minutes 12/05/2016

December 1, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair) Chris Condon (Chair) Bob Holmes
  (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)
Lynne Rosansky (Alternate) Colleen Giffin (Staff),
Members Absent:  Michael Frosch (Member)      John Robertson (Ex-Officio)
Janet McEwen (Member)   Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   
Public Present: Ray Ledgerwood
Guest Present: J.B. Mack
7:00 PM Regular Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Chair Condon asked Ms. Rosansky to sit in for the absent Ms. McEwen.

Chair Condon introduced JB Mack, the representative from the South West Regional Planning Department.
Mr. Mack gave the Board a brief over view of his credentials. He specializes in transportation.
 He then turned the floor back over to the Board to have them ask any questions about economic development in the towns High Commercial zone.
Chair Condon explained that the Board had questions about developing the highway business zone along rt. 202.
Due to the inconsistency of the lot sizes and the fact that many of the properties along the route are divided into different zones the Board is
considering if they should expand the highway district zone or not.
They have requested Mr. Mack to come and discuss options with them on how to draw businesses to Antrim
Mr. Mack said the best way to really learn about what the community is interested in business wise is by what kind of applications have been presented to the town.
Ms. Giffin answered that the last two years had been relatively slow ones, not including the tower cases.
In addition, that none of the applications that have come in this year have been for businesses.
She also let J.B. Mack know that the D.O.T has been involved in looking into changing the structures of the state roads at the intersections
of rt. 202 and rt. 31, as well as at the other end of rt. 202 in Hillsboro. Ms. Giffin told the Board about the FEMA flood management program
that was affecting some of Antrim’s residents that were now getting letters that their homes were in a flood zone and they had to start paying flood insurance.
Mr. Mack suggested that a study of the land itself would be the first step to see where the wet lands are, the steep slopes and other natural resources.
The road networking is important for business development as well. He thinks that piggy backing on the development from the surrounding towns is an excellent way to encourage businesses to the area.  
Ms. Ogilvie explained to Mr. Mack what steps the Board has taken so far to encourage the opening of new businesses here in Antrim,
such as changing the Home Business Ordinances. Ms. Ogilvie feels that the most important thing a town can do is to encourage their own people to open businesses.
Tax Increment Finance districts were discussed. Some of the Board members recalled that the town did once have a TIF district, but were unsure of how long ago that was.
Mr. Mack had brought literature about a study done on the rt. 9 corridor between Concord and Keene. He wanted to bring to the
Board’s attention some of the State of NH’s projects concerning access to the state roads and the policy of sub-dividing certain
tracts of land in the Highway business zone. He pointed out that there is not a lot of places along rt. 9 in Antrim that would be suitable for businesses.
Mr. Mack will be discussing the Highway Business District question with the GIS expert that SWRPC has on staff, he will also be e-mailing a copy of the rt. 202 & rt. 9 2006 corridor study.

Approve November 17  Meeting Minutes
Mr. Holmes moved to accept the meeting minutes as amended of November 17.   Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Ms. Rosansky motioned to remove lines 139 to 142 from the minutes. Chair Condon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Antrim 2020 Accounts/ Rondeau’s bill and website request
After much discussion the Board agreed that they would pay all the receipts that were submitted.
They also discussed what they could do in the future, if this sort of project should arise again
they would have a more guidelines about how, when, and what the money would be spent.
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to pay all the Antrim 2020 receipts. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Cahoon no, Condon yes, Rosansky yes
Motion:  Ms. Cahoon made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Holmes seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned  8:10 PM

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board