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Planning Board Minutes 10-06-2016

October 6, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
 Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair) Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)   
Bob Holmes   (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member) Janet McEwen (Member) John Robertson (Ex-Officio) Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   

Public  Present:   Keith Fleming Duncan Cahoon

Members Absent:  Colleen Giffin (Staff), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner) Lynne Rosansky (Alternate)
7:00 PM Business Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.
Approve August 4, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Ms. McEwen moved to accept the meeting minutes of August 4.   Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Approve September 15, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the meeting minutes of September 15.  Mr. Holmes seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Antrim 20/20
Update from Ms. McEwen on Antrim 20/20. The 2020 committee would like to have a survey prepared
to hand out during the general elections in November  to help glean more information from the resident s
of Antrim  on what’s important in our town from people that may not be able to get to the 20/20 weekend in October .
Ms. McEwen would like to revise an example she brought for the board to see to a smaller scale so it is less threatening!
Ms. McEwen is going to revise make a draft and bring it to next meeting.
Ms. McEwen would like Mr. Robertson’s help in getting people from the town hall to join the 20/20 function.
It is important for the community members to see the administration is interested in their own town.
Mr. Robertson feels the town administration should show their support. He will be at 20/20 and will encourage the rest to do so.
Mr. Robertson is going to ask Town Administrator Hanson if he can send an email out to the town departments encouraging them to join us for their event.
Ms. Voelcker is asked to approach the police department, using the fact that she doesn’t know any of them,
as her reason for meeting with them and asking them to join the Antrim 2020 weekend.
Conversation about the event continues.

Ray Ledgerwood’s letter to SWRPC for Commissioner

Chair Condon reads Mr. Ledgerwood’s request. Ms. McEwen endorses Mr. Ledgerwood, knowing him personally,
she feels confident that he would be a great benefit as a liaison between local boards and the
South Western Regional Planning Commission in Keene. Mr. MacDonald also feels Mr. Ledgerwood will make a good commissioner.  
Motion:  Ms. McEwen made a motion to accept Mr. Ledgerwood as Antrim’s Planning Liaison with SWRPC, Ms. Cahoon seconds.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.
Chair Condon would like to have the new liaison, Mr. Ledgerwood, and the SWRPC arrange a working session
with the Board where they can provide resources to help us learn better ways to bring business into town.
Highway Mapping
Chair Condon decided before  going forward with this exercise and having these changes on
the March ballot we should find out if our thoughts are going to be effective.
Mr. MacDonald feels like there needs to be a standard and it is not a simple process.
Before the next meeting Chair Condon will contact Mr. Ledgerwood  and see if he can help
us get the information we are looking for through the SWRPC about changes with the highway business district.
Mr. Frosch would like to look into tiny homes and ordinances about them.  
Ms. McEwen will have the draft of survey for elections from Antrim 2020 group.

  • Follow up letter from Upton & Hatfield Attorney Mayer concerning ITW
  • SWRPC Monthly Letter
Chair Condon closed the business meeting.

Public Hearing
The Chair had all the board members introduce themselves Chair Condon defined Conceptual Consultation,
a general presentation of an applicant’s concept of a proposed project. He stated that no decisions would be
made and nothing would be binding. Chair Condon asked Mr. Fleming to present his conceptual proposal.

Mr. Fleming’s Conceptual Consultation
Mr. Fleming explains the map and his concerns to the board. Board looks at map and conversation starts.   
The easement from the property owned by the Alice Fleming Trust goes through his land to get to hers.
The Board states concerns that it is creating a non-conforming lot and we cannot make a decision based on the information given.
Ms. McEwen reads RSA and hears Mr. Fleming concerns on the road frontage.
Conversation continues.
Mr. Flemings says the rules to a buildable lot do not apply because it is not big enough.
Motion:  Ms. Cahoon makes a motion to table this discussion Mr. Frosch seconds.
Mr. Flemming would like to know where he needs to go from here.
The Board would like to discuss the matter with Ms. Ogilvie.
They will get back to Mr. Flemming. He agrees and does not want us to guess. Discussion ends.
Motion : Motion is made to table this discussion until they can include Ms. Ogilvie in it.
Roll Call Vote:  Cahoon yes, Condon yes, Frosch yes, Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, McEwen yes, Robertson Yes
Motion:  Mr. Robertson made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Frosch seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned  7:55  pm
Respectfully Submitted By,
Jeanne Cahoon, Co-Chair of the Planning Board