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Planning Board Minutes 08/18/2016
August 18, 2016
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
 Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair) Chris Condon (Chair) Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant) Bob Holmes   (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member)
Janet McEwen (Member) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)    
Members Absent:  John Robertson (Ex-Officio) Michael Frosch (Member) Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   
 7:00 PM Public Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.

Business Meeting
Approve August 4, 2016 Meeting Minutes
The minutes had to be tabled due to not having a quorum from the August4 meeting.

Ms. Ogilvie combined home based business with home occupation to allow Antrim residents the most
freedom to run businesses in their homes. Residents will be allowed to run businesses in their home
until a complaint is made due to:
  • This will be a complaint driven ordinance. As long as the business owner is not bothering anyone
or doing anything illegal, they will be allowed to run a Home-Based Business out of their home.
  • The activity will not create objectionable noise, odor, vibration, smoke, dust, heat, glare,
electrical interference, any health or safety hazards, unsightly conditions noticeable off the premises,
or excessive traffic from customers, deliveries, or employees.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to accept the ballot item and to hold a Public Hearing on a date to be
determined at a later meeting; Mr. Holmes seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, Macdonald yes, Cahoon yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes

Ms. Ogilvie will prepare the ballot questions for a Public Hearing.

Ms. Ogilvie questioned the board about how they wanted the modified site plan worded.

  • These Systems are allowed in all zoning districts subject to a modified Site Plan Review by the Planning Board.
  • The requirements for Site Plan Review include:
  • A site plan showing:
  • Property lines and setbacks
  • Physical features including roads
  • Proposed changes to the landscape including clearing and grading
  • All proposed structures and equipment.
  • Current and proposed access to the site.
  • Name, address, and contact information for the applicant/property owner, abutters, and proposed system installer.
  • Interconnection agreement with the applicable utility.
  • Operation, maintenance and decommissioning plan.
  • Plan for safety of the system.
  • Blueprints or drawings of photovoltaic installation signed by a licensed engineer.
  • Electric diagram detailing the installation, associated components and disconnects.
  • Documentation of major system components, including PV panels, mounting system and inverter.
The Board discussed what they wanted Ms. Ogilvie to amend, change or erase all together.
Mr. MacDonald suggested a possibility of a conditional permit and these can be an example of the conditions that might appear on such a permit.
This way the Board does not have to come up with an enormous list of criteria for every type of alternative energy.

Schedule of Hearing Fees Changes
  • Fees removed from the schedule: Annexation, Lot Merger, Home Based Business, Special Use Permit
  • Business updated on the schedule: PSNH to Eversource,
  • Fees updated Minor Subdivision, Minor Site plan Review, Change of use $200
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to approve the amended Schedule of Hearing fees Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, Macdonald yes, Cahoon yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes

  • FYI- DES Steel Pond Hydro. Request for more information
  • Notice of a Hearing, ITW, Milford Planning Board.
  • The Board agreed a letter will be sent to Milford to say the Planning Board acknowledges they received the notice about the meeting and that is it.
The Board unanimously decided to cancel the September 1 meeting. The September 15 meeting will host Liz Kelly from the
Southwest Regional Planning Commission in Keene, as well as Antrim’s Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to adjourn Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned   8: 05 pm

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Secretary of the Planning Board

(Adopted March 13, 2007; Amended March___ 2017)

1.      PURPOSE

A.  To allow residents of the community the use of their homes as a place of livelihood for the production or supplementing of personal and family income.

B.  To protect the community at large and neighboring properties from potential adverse impacts of activities associated with home-based businesses.

C.  To establish regulatory criteria and standards for home-based businesses based on the type and intensity of use.


A.      A Home-Based Business is any commercial activity engaged in on any residential property that is secondary and incidental to the primary residential use.   

B.      Activities that are not considered to be Home Businesses include but are not limited to:  yard sales; automotive/engine repair; and retail sales not associated with the Home-Based Business.

3.      CRITERIA

A.      The business must be conducted by residents of the property but may include non-resident employees.   

  • The activity must not change the character of the premises or surrounding neighborhood. There shall be no window displays or other features not normally associated with residential use.
  • Signage shall be in accordance with Article XVII, Section D.
  • The activity will not create objectionable noise, odor, vibration, smoke, dust, heat, glare, electrical interference, any health or safety hazards, unsightly conditions noticeable off the premises, or excessive traffic from customers, deliveries, or employees.
  • The activity may be conducted entirely within the residence, an accessory building, or outdoors, but all such activities, equipment, storage, and parking areas shall be permanently screened from the view of abutters and from public ways by plantings, fences, and/or topography.   

  • Any customer visits to the property must be consistent with what is typical for a residential use.
  • Parking for employees and customers must be accommodated off-street.  When possible, parking areas shall be located at the side or rear of the residence or accessory buildings.  


X.      Alternative Energy Systems:  Alternative Energy Systems are defined as solar, wind power, geothermal or other renewable energy systems.  This definition does not include commercial wind farms.

  • Residential Renewable Energy Systems are intended to provide power for the principal use of the property on which the energy system is located.  
  • These Systems shall not be used for the generation of power for the sale of energy to other users; however, this is not intended to prohibit the sale of excess power generated from time to time to the local utility company.
  • These Systems are allowed by right in all zoning districts subject to:
  • compliance with setbacks; and
  • a building permit and electrical inspection to ensure compliance with electrical and building code requirements.
  • Systems designed to produce hot water or heat do not require an electrical inspection if no additional wiring was needed.
  • Non-Residential Renewable Energy Systems are intended to provide power to a business or other non-residential use. , or intended primarily to produce power for sale.  
  • These Systems are allowed in all zoning districts subject to a modified Site Plan Review by the Planning Board.
  • The requirements for Site Plan Review include:
  • A site plan showing:
  • Property lines and setbacks
  • Physical features including roads
  • Proposed changes to the landscape including clearing and grading
  • All proposed structures and equipment.
  • Current and proposed access to the site.
  • Name, address, and contact information for the applicant/property owner, abutters, and proposed system installer.
  • Interconnection agreement with the applicable utility.
  • Operation, maintenance and decommissioning plan.
  • Plan for safety of the system.
  • Blueprints or drawings of photovoltaic installation signed by a licensed engineer.
  • Electric diagram detailing the installation, associated components and disconnects.
  • Documentation of major system components, including PV panels, mounting system and inverter.