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Planning Board Minutes 07/21/2016

July 21, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon(Vice-Chair)  Chris Condon (Chair) Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   
Steve MacDonald (Member) Janet McEwen (Member) Michael Frosch (Member)
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   John Robertson (Ex-Officio)
Members Absent:  Bob Holmes   (Member) Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   
 Public Attendees:  John Winslow

7:00PM Public Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00. He introduced the Planning Board.

Chair Condon defined Conceptual Consultation, a general presentation of an applicant’s
concept of a proposed project. He stated that no decisions would be made and nothing would be binding.
Chair Condon asked Mr. Winslow to present his conceptual proposal.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation
Mr. Winslow explained that he is here representing his father Richard Winslow. Richard Winslow
owns three lots on Smith road and for estate planning reasons he would like to split the two larger
lots into smaller lots. On map 228 lots 23 and 25 would be split and lot 13 would be left as is.
The Winslow’s have spoken with a surveyor who has told them  the subdivision they are
planning to do will be a major one or a minor one depending on how much will have to be done on the property.
The other issue the surveyor brought up was the right-of-way that runs from lot 23 to lot 24.
Richard Winslow and his brother Edward Winslow own both pieces of property.
This was once a public right-of-way. The surveyor was unable to find any evidence that this right-of-way
was every legally abandoned by the town. This will have bearing on the property line if this issue
was not resolved. Ms. McEwen asked if the road was abandoned by the town didn’t the property
automatically resort back to the property owner? Ms. Ogilvie answered that the road would eventually
go back to a class six road, but without some sort of action by the town it would stay public property.
Richard Winslow is positive that the town had taken care of this sometime in the 1980’s. He remembers
coming before the Selectmen and being told it would be taken care of. The family believes some sort of
discussion did happen with the Selectmen because when Smith road was moved over it was still
on the Winslow’s property.
Nothing could be found at the registry of deeds. Chair Condon suggested that research could be done
here at the town hall. Mr. Robertson volunteered to look into it. Mr. MacDonald suggested speaking with town
counsel about what could be down if nothing can be found in town records.
The Board explained the difference between a major and a minor subdivision to Mr. Winslow. Ms. Ogilvie
stated that from the preliminary sketch that Mr. Winslow provided for the Board she did not see any reason
for this project to be a major subdivision.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. MacDonald did remind Mr. Winslow that though the project appeared to be uncomplicated, until the right-of-way
could be looked into, the Board made no commitments that the subdivision would be either a major or a minor one.

Business Meeting
Approve July 7, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Mr. Frosch moved to accept the meeting minutes of July 7.  Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Antrim’s Home Business, Occupation/ Use application  See Attached
Ms. Ogilvie did want to put yard sales into a home business ordinance; therefore, she put yard sales under definitions.
These definitions are usually under a supplemental regulation.
These are just some examples Ms. Ogilvie has come up with, because at this time the town has no ordinances on yard sales.

YARD SALES Issues and Example Language
Number of sales in a year
 Duration of individual sales
 Impact on neighbors – parking, traffic, etc.
 Require Permit?

The Board concluded that it would  not mention yard sales, as they were yet to determine if they were a home based business.

The Board continued their conversation about ARTICLE XIV-A HOME BUSINESS changes most recent changes Ms. Ogilvie had made to them.
It was discussed how the businesses in town can be made aware that they can advertise on the town website or other
ways businesses in town can be advertised.
Chair Condon suggested that perhaps Home Occupation is not something that needs any ordinances at all.
That Home Businesses would be regulated by service or retail.
The Board discussed permits or a registration of some sort whether on not they needed two separate ordinances for occupation vs. business.
Ms. Ogilvie suggested that she do another re-write of these ordinances to combine them so that they are all in the same place.

Highway Business District
Chair Condon asked to lay the highway district mapping on the table for the next meeting.

Antrim 2020 Update
Ms. McEwen explained some of the projects the group was doing such as working on some short questionnaires for Antrim residents to answer.
She also stated that they needed members of the Planning Board to take the training classes to become facilitators at the October meeting.
These facilitators only job would be to keep the groups on topic.

Mr. MacDonald brought up his concerns about the language used during the conceptual consultation. The Board discussed this.

Ms. Giffin reported to the Board that the Capitol Improvement Project letter and worksheet had gone out to each of the Departments Heads.
They have a due date for the end of August. She also gave an update of the case of Pierce Lake Association vs. Town of Zoning Board of Adjustments.

 Wetlands Utility Maintenance Notification

DES Acceptance of Permit Application

Motion:      Ms. McEwen made a motion to adjourn Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned 8:10pm

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Secretary of the Planning Board

Draft for Review
July 21, 2016


Issues and Example Language
  • Number of sales in a year
  • Duration of individual sales
  • Impact on neighbors – parking, traffic, etc.
  • Require Permit?
1. Yard or Tag Sales are permitted in all districts subject to the following:
a. Sales may occur no more than five (5) times in a calendar year.
 b. No individual sale may last longer than three (3) consecutive days.
             c. Upon written request the Selectmen may grant an approval for either additional sales and/or the duration of the sale.
           d. Any signage placed anywhere in town or on the property relative to the sale must be
removed within two (2) days of the conclusion of the sale.
            e. In no case shall any sale result in sidewalk or roadway obstruction, nor shall parking
create any nuisance or dangerous situation.

1. No sales shall be conducted without obtaining a permit from the Select Board.
    2. No more than two persons residing at different addresses are allowed to conduct a
yard/garage sale at a common site in any residential district.
    3. No fraternal or civic organization shall be permitted to conduct yard/garage sales in any
residential district.
4. If the listed applicant is not the owner of the property, then appropriate documentation
will need to be provided to the Select Board. Documentation examples are: Your lease; a
Utility Bill showing your name at the address; an approval Letter (on letterhead paper)
from the Property Manager, etc.
5. No more than two yard/garage sale permits shall be issued for any one location during a
calendar year.
6. No sale shall be conducted for more than three 3 consecutive days.
7. No sale shall be conducted prior to twelve noon on a Sunday.
8. No sign advertising the sale shall be displayed on any street, sidewalk or other public
right of way.
9. One sign may be displayed on the premises where the sale is conducted if the area of the
sign does not exceed twelve square feet..