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Planning Board Minutes 03/17/2016
March 17, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Member) Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
 Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Member)                                      
Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member) John Robertson  (Ex-officio)    
Members Absent:     Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)    
  Public attendance: Scott Burnside
7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.  He welcomed newly elected Mr. Holmes  and the new ex-officio Mr. Robertson ( Selectman on the Planning Board).
The Board agreed to hold the Election of officers until after the public meeting.

Landsite Review- #2014-02 ZBA - Review of Major Site Plan on property located at 470 Clinton Road (Tax Map 213 Lot 3), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Highway Business District and Rural District.

Mr. Burnside gave a two-year update on the property:

  • Barn and cabin:
  • Underground power
  • Windows installed
  • Each still has some interior work to be done
  • Mini Storage Units
  • Has sand and gravel elevation slabs for the foundations have been started.
  • Driveways
  • Two of the three driveways have been paved. A new permit from DOT is needed for the log road driveway, the old one expired. This driveway is not needed right away and has been put on hold for the time being.
The plan for 2016 is to get two of the storage buildings up.
Chair Condon asked if there were any questions from The Board.

Ms. McEwen: Have you done any of the tree planting?
Mr. Burnside: No
Ms. McEwen: Plans to do it any time soon?
Mr. Burnside: I was planning to do it last year, but I did not have the time or the financial resources to fund any landscaping projects. All the work we have done on the site so far has been done out of pocket. That requires me to take on jobs other than the Landsite project.
Ms. McEwen: What about the fencing? Will that only go up around the storage units or will there be fencing for aesthetic reasons as well.
Mr. Burnside: It will only go up around the storage units. I will have the landscaping up around the barns, but I did not want anything done that would just be run over as the gravel was being brought in and the work was being done on the buildings.

Chair Condon asked if there were any more questions. There was none. Mr. Burnside thanked the board and left.

Business Meeting

Approve March 3, 2016 Minutes
Chair Condon asked to reword the Mr. Lazar farewell.
Ms. Cahoon moved to approve the meeting minutes of March 3, 2016 as amended. Ms. McEwen seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Election of officers

Chair Condon expressed how he felt that in recent years, the election of officers had been confusing and he wanted to make sure everyone that wanted to be considered had their chance. He then opened the floor to the board.

Mr. MacDonald nominated Chair Condon as Chair. Ms. McEwen seconded the motion.
Chair Condon asked if anyone else was interested in running.
A discussion ensued among the board members about the voting process.
Chair Condon asked for a vote.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Frosch yes, Ms. McEwen yes, Chair Condon yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. Cahoon yes, Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Holmes yes.
Chair Condon said he would accept the role as Chair.
Mr. Holmes nominated Ms. Cahoon as Vice Chair, Ms. McEwen seconded the motion.
Chair Condon asked if there were and other candidates. There was none. The Chair asked for a vote.
Mr. Frosch yes, Ms. McEwen yes, Chair Condon yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. Cahoon yes, Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Holmes yes.
Volunteers for CIP committee. Ms. McEwen volunteered. Mr. MacDonald will be staying on as well.
A question was brought up on who could be on the CIP committee. Ms. McEwen wanted to know if a member of the public could be on the board that was not already involved with the planning board or the town. Mr. Robertson said he would have to check with the state RSA to know what the exact rules were. Carol Ogilvie will be consulted as well.
A discussion ensued about more public participation on the boards and committees. Both the Planning Board and the Zoning Board are short alternates.

Mr. Robertson suggested that an open house for the public to come and meet with the boards, the committees, and the selectmen so they could get a better understanding of what these people actually do here in town, “A Day at the Town Hall”. Ms. McEwen suggested that this could take place this fall during the Community profile meeting.

Meetings: Chair Condon brought up the meeting schedule for the year and he is going to stay with the two meetings a month schedule.
Training: All members need to take training, which is usually done at the OEP Planning and Zoning Conference. This conference has been postponed this year, so alternative training solutions may be needed.
673:3-a Training. Within the first year of assuming office, a new member of a zoning board of adjustment or planning board may complete training offered by the office of energy and planning. The office of energy and planning may provide this training, which may be designed in a variety of formats including, but not limited to, web-based, distance learning, traditional classroom style, or self-study

Goals for the Year

  • Concept of Capital Improvement Plan. What is it?
  • Masterplan revision.
  • Create a living document for
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
  • Every 5 Year
  • Achievable goals
  • Indexing
  • Pick a section to update for future Planning Boards
  • Help businesses come to town. What can we do to make Antrim a town I want to bring my business to?
  • Offering tax breaks
  • Commercial business district
  • Economic Revitalization Zone
  • At Home/ In home Businesses
  • Review Regulations
  • Combined Zoning Board and Planning Board meetings
  • Review By-laws and Regulations
  • SWRPC - February  2016 Newletter
At 8:15 pm Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn, Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Land Board Use Assistant